Nothing gets gamers more excited than their favorite games coming to life, but a recent discovery may be more than Fortnite fans bargained for.
Astronomers have found a "mysterious object" that is only 4,000 light years away from Earth. It seems like a long distance, but when compared to the size of the universe, it's pretty close to the planet.
What’s caught the attention of individuals is how closely the object resembles The Zero Point. The appearance is almost identical, but there is no way to get close enough to see if it holds the same powers.
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Astronomers may have found a real life Fortnite Zero Point
The object found in space does not have an official name yet, but scientists observing it have theorized that it may be a neutron star or white dwarf with an incredibly powerful magnetic field.
The details surrounding the object were enough to draw the attention of Donald Mustard, the Chief Creative Officer at Epic Games, who had a huge role in creating The Zero Point.
This object is said to release a massive burst of energy three times every hour, and during the one minute duration, it is one of the brightest objects seen in the night sky.
Fortnite players will remember The Zero Point acting in a similar fashion when it was ready to implode. Dying stars are known to create black holes, much like The Zero Point.
Of course, The Zero Point is rooted in some form of reality. It takes parts of its features from real life entities, such as the aforementioned neutron star and white dwarf.
The concerning part is that the astronomers who found this mysterious object weren't sure it existed. The team that discovered it said it was unexpected and "kind of spooky" because it is the first object in the night sky to do such a thing.
Its proximity to Earth is what has people baffled, but naturally, Fortnite players are running away with the joke that it is The Zero Point, and are praising Epic Games for another crossover.