The age-old argument regarding slow and fast sensitivity in Fortnite is back with the introduction of the Zero Build mode.
The battle royale title provides a large variety of sensitivity settings. Players can have their movement and camera control go slow or as fast as they want it to be, but hardly anyone plays at the very end of either option.
The proper sensitivity settings also depend on what system they are using. There are many other options available for PC gamers compared to console users. Regardless, both slow and fast sensitivity have their pros and cons.
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When to use slow sensitivity in Fortnite
Sensitivity will always come down to preference, but players need to understand what playstyle they want to focus on to decide. For slow sensitivity, they will want to be aimers.
With the Zero Build mode now as popular as it is, a slower sensitivity setting works wonderfully. Users can focus on aiming their guns as precisely as possible to eliminate opponents.
The reaction time may take a bit of a hit, as more effort will be needed to point the camera towards the enemy, but it isn't that bad of a tradeoff when defensive skyscrapers can't be built in seconds.
Again, it all depends on the Fortnite gamer. If they can't make high sensitivity and flicking works in their favor, fighting at a bit of a distance with a lower sensitivity will make it easier to hit shots and rack up elims.
When to use fast sensitivity in Fortnite
Fast sensitivity is typically used by players described as "crack." Building is still prevalent in the normal version of the Fortnite Battle Royale. Fast sensitivity makes it incredibly easy to build a fortress quickly.
Being able to whip out a wall and start building a tower is a vital tool to have. Fast sensitivity does come with its downsides, however. Gunplay could be an issue if it is turned way up.
Reacting to enemy gunfire won't be difficult, but lining up the first couple of shots could be if the sensitivity setting is too high. Users may find themselves over-aiming by moving the crosshair just past their opponent and having to readjust.
Both settings take time to get used to, but fast sensitivity requires more practice. Only the most precise aimers should use the fastest sensitivity levels, though gamers who can pull off a quick flick might be able to make it work.