Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 has featured several entertaining and unraveling story lines. Though the season's main theme is "Primal" and brings attention to Raz's mysterious background, most of the story is currently coming from Gotham's finest and not-so-finest.
The State of Fortnite Season 6: Superheroes, Comic books, and shotguns
Currently, within Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6, loopers are getting most of their Fortnite lore via the Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point limited release comic book series. With Issue #3 just having been released, loopers are now being given the opportunity to view events on the battlefield through the means of an office memo chain.
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**Disclaimer: Some Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point spoilers lie ahead. Readers wishing to avoid new character appearances and plot points should stop reading now.**
The latest addition to the current loop-focused story featuring Batman is none other than G.I. Joe's own Snake Eyes.
Unlike the winged vigilante, Snake Eyes' origin story lies purely in doing what is right. Which is, perhaps, why he only lasts alongside Batman long enough to help Batman be the last one within the loop so that he might escape it.
After Snake Eyes sacrifices himself, the narration provided by the Loop Observation's inner office memos merely wishes the department of Extra Loop Observation luck in dealing with Batman.

In addition to the news regarding Snake Eyes' in-comic debut and Batman's rediscovering of Catwoman at the end of Issue #3, Fortntie players are also discussing another return of an epic variety, the unvaulting of the tactical shotgun.
Though not as exciting as the mechanics of the loop becoming transparent to long-time Fortnite players, the return of the tactical shotgun adds to the in-game experience just as much, however, in a different way than the comic series.
With Batman and Snake Eyes working together to peek behind the curtain, hiding the truth of the loop lore-wise, and the tactical shotgun providing players the ability to enhance their gameplay, Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 is currently in a state that is advancing players and enhancing their Fortnite experience on several levels.