Fortnite and Travis Scott is a beloved story that has gone astray after a devastating incident recently. A recent Travis Scott concert in Texas met with a huge tragedy as human casualties took place, resulting in eight deaths and over a hundred injuries. While the incident had nothing to do with Fortnite, many in the community have blamed Epic Games for its collaboration with the pop star since the tragedy took place.
While Epic Games should not be blamed for the collaboration in the first place, the number of teenagers and children present in the concert has raised serious concerns in the community. The pop star's popularity among children might have something to do with the Fortnite collaboration, and therefore many have demanded that the outfit be removed from the game.
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With the emote removed, will the outfit suffer the same fate in Fortnite?
The Fortnite Item Shop removed the Travis Scott emote after the tragedy struck the Astroworld festival where Travis Scott performed. However, Fortnite removing the emote from the Shop had nothing to do with the concert incident as every item in the Shop is replaced by others after 30 days. It was simply coincidental, but a few prominent members of the community posted the incident as a cause and effect of the Astroworld festival.
This also triggered others to begin demanding that Epic Games remove the Travis Scott outfit from Fortnite completely. It is one of the rarest outfits in the game, and for the longest time, fans have been waiting for it to be released. However, the scenario is now tense, and the community does not want Travis Scott in their inventory anymore.
Epic Games has made no statements regarding the matter. However, since the incident involves the loss of human lives, it would indeed be good for Epic Games to be seen discontinuing their association with the pop star as a show of respect to all the lives lost and their families.