Two new NPCs have arrived in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, and they bring along new Punchcards. Dire, the wolf skin from Chapter 1 Season 6 and Ragsy, the post-apocalyptic version of Cuddle Team Leader, will now be available on the map and offer players new challenges.
The addition of new NPCs in Fortnite update v18.20 means players will now earn a large amount of XP. This will allow them to level up even faster. However, to start the quests, players need to find the NPC and interact with them. Out of the two new additions in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, Dire can be found at Camp Cod.
Locating Dire in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, isn't a difficult task. Moreover, most of his quests are also extremely easy, except for a couple. Therefore, once players locate the Dire NPC, they can easily earn 150,000XP and add to their battle pass progress following update v18.20.
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Dire in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8: Location and quests
To find Dire in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, players must head to the extreme southeast corner of the Fortnite map. Players can find the wolf NPC roaming around the tiny little island south of Catty Corner. This location is known as Camp Cod. Dire can be found on the building on top of the hill at this location.
It is improbable for end-game zones to favour this corner of the map. Therefore, it would be easier for players to land at Camp Cod directly after the jump from the Battle Bus. Since Dire in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 is the latest NPC, it might make Camp Cod a popular drop point for the next few days. Therefore, it would be advisable for players to farm for some materials and weapons if they come across another enemy trying to locate the NPC.
Dire NPC quests in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8
Similar to all other NPC, Dire too will offer players five quests worth 30,000 XP each. Players need to talk to the NPC at Camp Cod to activate his Punchcard. Once activated, they can access the other challenges from the NPC Punchcard menu.
The following are the quests given by Dire in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8:
- Emote at the Weather Station, Fort Crumpet, or Lockie’s Lighthouse.
- Damage wildlife with a melee weapon. (0/40)
- Destroy a dumpster at Lazy Lake or Pleasant Park.
- Eliminate Cube Monsters in The Sideways with a melee weapon. (0/5)
- Travel on foot in Misty Meadows. (0/200)