With the new Fortnite x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration Cowabunga event, the game has introduced the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lair in Fortnite, a new location that brings the beloved Splinter and the Turtles' sewer home to the island. This unique new addition to Fortnite serves as not only a nod to fans of the TMNT franchise but also introduces new elements and NPCs.
In order to locate the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lair in Fortnite, players need to land near the Ship It! Express factory which is situated to the southeast of the Pleasant Piazze POI (Point of Interest).
The Ship It! Express Factory can be a helpful reference for players looking for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lair in Fortnite, as it allows players to navigate the means to travel to the hidden underground lair.
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How to get to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lair in Fortnite
Once you've landed at the factory near Pleasant Piazza, make your way to the basement of the small house near it. Within the basement, you can find and use a zipline that will take you to the Underground Railroad area. After taking the zipline down to the Underground Railroad's depths, you will find yourself in the island's underground tunnels.
From there, you need to head towards the area with the Vengeance Jones NPC and then turn right. Proceeding through the underground tunnels, you can encounter a door on the right-hand side. Passing through this door will directly take you into the heart of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lair in Fortnite.
In the lair, players can not only find a detailed recreation of the Ninja Turtles' iconic sewer home but also hidden details like pizza boxes scattered throughout the area, referencing the Turtles' love for pizza in most iterations.
That's not all, however, as players can also find the new Master Splinter NPC here and potentially grab items and quests from him to spice up their Fortnite experience.
With the Fortnite x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga event being as ambitious as it is, introducing the iconic lair to the Chapter 5 Fortnite map makes sense. The addition of the lair not only introduces players to the hidden base of operations of the Turtles but also allows them to encounter and interact with Master Splinter himself.
As the collaboration unfolds further, it remains to be seen what other surprises this ambitious crossover holds for players.