In Chapter 3 Season 1, Fortnite introduced several new mechanics. One of those new mechanics was the Victory Crown, which increases XP earned and unlocks a free emote when players win while holding it.
The emote showcases how many of those wins they've gotten so far. It's unclear if that number will reset next season or if the Victory Crown is even here to stay, but players are still using it to flex the number shown on the emote.
One player, however, has the ultimate flex. This individual has more crowned Victory Royales than anyone else and his name is Ship.
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Ship, legendary Fortnite player, holds more crowned royales than anyone else
Many players have hit the 1,000 milestone with the Victory Crown. Rangers just recently reached that number and received tons of praise. As impressive as that is, that isn't the record.
On February 14, Ship reached 1,300 crowned Victory Royales in impressive fashion. He then posted yet another milestone just four days later. On that date, he had reached 1,500 wins.
That was a few days ago, so that number has undoubtedly increased significantly since then. He posted 12 hours ago (at the time of writing) about hitting 1,600 soon, but hasn't shared an update yet.
Players can follow him on Twitter for updates about his record-breaking achievements.

Regardless, Ship, who also holds the Guinness world record for wins in Fortnite, also holds the active record for most crowned royales this season. That's also not likely to change anytime soon unless he stops playing.
Many players haven't reached that number of wins in general across all seasons of the battle royale game. Many others might never reach it as long as the game is active.
For Ship, it's light work as he probably has well over 2,000 total Fortnite wins (with or without the crown) this season.
If Epic Games decides to continue the Victory Crown indefinitely and not reset the numbers, there's no telling how high Ship's crowning achievement will go.