Fortnite players who have been around for a while remember the days of the "Double Pump." This method was admittedly a bit overpowered, but it hasn't even been in the game since Chapter 1 Season 5.
A patch was released which effectively removed double pumping. Now, if players do happen to carry two shotguns, there's a cooldown before they can shoot the second one.
This applies to all shotguns, not just pumps. If players switch to a new shotgun after firing one, they won't be able to shoot immediately, which has elicited a lot of frustration. It was a powerful move, but here's why it should be brought back.
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Fortnite needs to reintroduce double pumping
Fortnite has certainly lost a bit of its player base. Despite remaining on top of the battle royale genre, it doesn't have the same chokehold it once did. Lots of players have left for a variety of reasons, but one has become increasingly prominent: the game just isn't the same.
This usually refers to the map, but it applies to gameplay and certain mechanics as well. Double pumping was a mechanic beloved by a lot of older players. However, they haven't been able to do it in a long time. With that being said, Fortnite should honor them by reincorporating that facet.

Reasons to the contrary
To be completely fair to Fortnite, though, double pumping made the game even harder for casual players. They stood no chance if someone could attack them with back-to-back shotgun shots. That's why it shouldn't be reintroduced to the main game, but in a Limited Time Mode or in Creative.
Players will certainly flock to a game mode or Creative island featuring that aspect. Double pumping is too much for the regular game, but that hasn't stopped Fortnite from putting other overpowered items into Creative. It shouldn't stop them from allowing double pumping, either.