Fortnite has no shortage of impressive displays of skill, with gamers constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible during combat. Some amazing moments involve a player who emerges as the winner in a scenario that seems largely lost because of a lack of equipment or a higher number of foes.
Something similar can be seen in a recent Reddit clip shared by u/OBG_TFUE-KEVNIL0420, where the fan can be seen in a game in Chapter 5 Season 2, donning the Travis Scott outfit. As the match boiled down to a 1v3 scenario, the player was able to use Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun and the Underworld Dash ability to outplay their enemies, securing a Victory Royale with 2 HP.
The Reddit clip attracted a lot of eyes from the Fortnite community, with people taking to the comments section to express their admiration for u/OBG_TFUE-KEVNIL0420's skillful clutch. Putting a positive spin on a classic comment associated with poor gameplay, Reddit user u/Anxiety-Queen269 said:
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
“No skill issue.”

Other members of the Fortnite community also chimed in to express their appreciation. u/urpoviswrong complimented the player's ability to divide the enemies' attention and take his opponents down one at a time.
Reddit user u/Mountain_Letter_1368 could relate to the action caught in the Reddit clip, explaining how they know what it feels like to be the last one standing on your team.

u/Alert_Top_8287 highlighted the player's choice of attire, claiming how most people who use the skin are immensely skilled at the game, something that is reflected in the Reddit clip.
Meanwhile, Reddit user u/blazedragon666 recounted a similar tale of how their wife was able to clutch up a 1v2 scenario with the help of a hired Fortnite NPC.
Commenting on the enemy team's lack of coordination and ultimate loss, Reddit user u/PeaganLoveSong stated:
"They really fumbled the easiest kill of all time lmao."
Where to find Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2

In the Reddit clip, the player heavily used the Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun in their pursuit of the Victory Royale. This is unsurprising as that firearm can be considered the best weapon in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, and it certainly packs a punch.
Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun can be acquired by challenging and defeating the Cerberus Boss NPC at the Grim Gate POI. Not only that, one can also get their hands on the Aspect of Agility by doing so, which allows them to have infinitely recharging Underworld Dash. This is another ability that played a part in the player's triumph over the squad, as can be seen in the video.