The Fortnite Battle Royale has been out for almost five years now, and despite being out for so long, there are still millions of active players tuning into the game on a daily basis.
Epic Games has released hundreds of updates to the video game since its inception. The game is now in Chapter 3 Season 3, but Fortnite's OG players still remember what the game looked like four years ago. So much has changed that some might have a hard time believing that it's still the same title. This makes it all the more necessary to revisit the olden days.
In this article, fans will find five things listed that only OG players can remember. If you are an OG player, then for you, this will be a trip down memory lane.
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Fortnite's OG players were fortunate enough to experience the beginning of the game
1) There was no automatic material switching which caused many deaths
Building is one of the most important mechanics in Fortnite Battle Royale. This is what separates it from other BR titles like Apex Legends and Call of Duty: Warzone. Throughout its existence, the video game had its main mechanic drastically changed several times. Luckily, most of these changes have positively affected the gameplay experience.
Back in the early seasons, players did not have automatic material switching. This means that if they ran out of wood, their active material wouldn't automatically switch to brick or metal.
This is what caused many deaths since players were new and did not pay attention to their available materials. This was also before turbo building, so most players carried around 200-to-300 total materials during the length of the entire match.
2) SCAR dealing insane damage
SCAR is the most popular and iconic weapons in the game of all time. Even though Epic Games removed it with the release of Chapter 3, OG players will never forget it, nor will they stop asking the developers to bring it back.
The assault rifle was very reliable, especially at medium range. Some of its variants were incredibly powerful, such as Skye's Assault Rifle from Chapter 2 Season 2.
However, the original variant of the SCAR was the most incredible. Its Legendary (gold) rarity dealt 39 damage, and the weapon also had a 2.5x headshot multiplier. The maximum damage for a headshot was 98, which was insane.
Keep in mind that this damage was only from a single bullet. It's also important to note that players had no access to the Small Shield Potion back then, as it hadn't been released yet. Players with 150 hit points in total would go down in two shots, which seems unbelievable.
There was no First Shot Accuracy back then either, and the gun was very inaccurate. Still, it was so powerful that Epic Games decided to lower the damage to 36 and its headshot multiplier to 2x.
Fun fact: Epic Games decided to keep the headshot multiplier of the Burst Assault Rifle at 2.5x. This is why it went on to be a pretty widely-used weapon.
3) The "Double Pump" was legendary
Many Fortnite players have heard of the "Double Pump' and seen videos of it, but only a few have used it. This technique had a lot of fans in the early seasons of the game and was insanely powerful.
The Pump Shotgun was one of the strongest Fortnite weapons in the first two chapters. It was a close-range weapon capable of taking players down in a single shot, which made it a must-have in everyone's inventory.
Some players found out that it was possible to carry two Pump Shotguns and fire them repeatedly without having to reload them, and this is how the "Double Pump" was born. Shortly after, there were videos of players destroying entire squads with this technique.
The only disadvantage of the Pump Shotgun was its slow reload speed; however, this technique did not even require the weapon to be reloaded.
Epic Games nerfed Double Pump in Season 3, and it was completely unusable in Season 5. This was done because many players considered it to be overpowered.
Back in Chapter 2 Season 5, the game developer added "The Dub" shotgun, which was an Exotic weapon that was a tribute to the Chapter 1 technique. The shotgun would fire two quick shots and deal massive damage to enemies, just like the Double Pump in Chapter 1.
4) Having no Turbo Build
Epic Games added Turbo Build to Fortnite Battle Royale at the start of Season 3. This inclusion completely changed the game, and it also drastically increased the skill gap.
Before Turbo Build, players would have to press a button whenever they wanted to place a wall, a floor, or any other building piece. However, Turbo Build allows players to simply hold the building button and spam building pieces in just a few seconds.
The game developer tried to adjust this mechanic in Season 9, but it was unsuccessful. Epic also released some powerful submachine guns after it, which helped combat Turbo Build, but this building mechanic has stayed in the game and most likely won't ever be removed.
If fans look at the videos of the early seasons of Chapter 1, before Turbo Build was added, they'll notice almost everyone was a bad builder. The introduction of Turbo Build helped the game look better and made building more effective, but it also ensured bad players were left behind in terms of success.
Overall, the building improvements in Chapter 1 were amazing. Many OG players also remember that it was not possible to build through small objects, such as fences, which was very frustrating.
5) It was possible to see through your builds
Back in Chapter 1, Fortnite players could see clearly through their builds, and it wasn't even a glitch! The editing feature allowed players to make their structures transparent, which was very useful in so many situations.
As fans can see in the image above, this strategy helped players with their surroundings. They could look through their building pieces and analyze the movements of their enemies.
Unfortunately, Epic Games disabled the editing transparency, and players can no longer see what's happening outside of their boxes. There are some advanced clipping strategies that many pro players use to peek through their builds, but they don't come close to the transparent edits from the early seasons of the game.