With Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 in full swing, many streamers are trying their luck in-game. With new mechanics and features to try out, there's never a dull moment.
One of the most notable streamers to return to the game is Imane Anys, better known as Pokimane. She even took the time to praise the no-build mechanics and Epic Games for always being so innovative.
Not even a day after making the statement, Pokimane, alongside Félix Lengyel, better known as xQc, found themselves in hot water. Both streamers were booted from a Fortnite match for breaking the rules.
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Fortnite match goes wrong as Pokimane and xQc get kicked out of it
After a couple of games in the squad mode, Pokimane decided to try something interesting. She wanted to play a passive game by landing in a safe place and hanging out with the entire lobby. This is something that other streamers have done in the past.
To her utter dismay and no surprise to most readers, a few Loopers opened fire and wiped out as many players as possible. After several failed attempts, they finally managed to find a safe spot to land and gear up. Here's a small snippet of the conversation.
"Hey guys, we're not shooting anyone in this game until someone shoots at us. We're going to have a bunch of friends landing here. So please don't kill them. Thank you."
As most Loopers cooperated and congregated on a small island known as Looper Landing, things started well. Some players were even using Shield Kegs to provide shields for everyone present. However, good things don't last forever, as luck would have it.

Given that it's a Battle Royale game, a few players decided to open fire and eliminate Pokimane again. Luckily, she was rebooted soon enough, and the remainder of the lobby began migrating towards the Daily Bugle.
Pokimane and xQc began asking everyone to settle down and not shoot each other again upon reaching the POI. The plan was for everyone to slide down the side of the mountain in unison.
However, just as she asked for the countdown, xQc got kicked out of the game, and Pokimane soon followed. Here's what she had to say:
"I got kicked out. Oops, sorry. Did you get kicked, too (xQc)? Sh*t. Are you kicked off the game completely? Oh, we needed to create a custom game. Oh my God, I'm so glad that we're not fully banned. Well, time to go game but regular game."
Teaming up in Fortnite is against the rules and regulations, so being kicked is bound to happen. It's unclear if anyone reported it or if Epic Games was checking out the stream and did the needful.
Either way, nothing significant occurred, as this was only a small warning. However, from here on out, when wanting to hang out with the entire lobby, playing in customs is the safest bet.