Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 is nearing its end. The season that introduced Miles Morales, added Force Abilities, and so much more has but a few days left. As a result, the leaks about what to expect have begun flowing in. This is pretty standard in the days leading up to a new season as Epic Games begins making changes to the code.
With the countdown officially on, there is a lot of information available. Here's what we know thus far.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 leaks have players excited
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Chapter 4 Season 2 will end on June 9, 2023, at 2 am EST, after which the downtime for the upcoming season will begin. Thus, the release date for Chapter 4 Season 3 is likely June 9, or June 10 at the latest. Make sure that you level up and avail the rewards you want from the battle pass by June 8, to be on the safe side.
Leaks suggest that an overhaul of the map is coming. New biomes are expected to arrive on the new version of the island, and an existing loading screen appears to tease what they'll look like.

The tropical and the desert biomes leaked for Season 3 can be seen on this loading screen. It seems that Epic was giving us a hint all along.
Several leaks related to items in the next season have surfaced. Helicopters will likely have a weapon attached, and a brand new Thermal Sniper Rifle is on the way. We can also expect to get a Lever Pistol and a Mythic variant of the Drum Shotgun next season.

A leaked Chapter 3 loading screen has given us more information. It suggests a crossover between Fortnite and the Transformers. Optimus Prime can be seen running alongside other Fortnite characters. He is holding some sort of an axe weapon, and another character on the loading screen has a boomerang-shaped item. It appears that a few unique weapons could be in the works.
Summer Meowscles, a new mechanic, and more have also been leaked. As we head towards the beginning of the season, we will no doubt be flooded with more information.
However, it is important to remember that Epic Games has not made any announcements about the contents of the upcoming Fortnite season yet. We will likely have to wait for the first official trailer. Until then, all the leaks should be taken with a grain of salt.