With mere hours remaining between now and Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, leaks, promos, teases and more are pouring in. Leakers have scoured the game's files to uncover everything they can, and they've discovered which outfit is expected to be this season's secret skin. In a few hours, the community will know whether or not this is confirmed by Epic Games, but it is an outfit that is almost undoubtedly in the battle royale title.
With this latest leak, the secret skin, tier 100 skin, and several of the main battle pass outfits have been revealed. Here's what we know.
Fortnite leak shows potential secret skin for Chapter 4 Season 3
The leak regarding the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 secret outfit was shared by both HYPEX and ShiinaBR, two of the best and most reliable leakers in the community. The image matches the promotional images for other characters, thus adding to its credibility.
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The secret skin, according to this leak, is supposed to be Purradise Meowscles, a jungle-themed variant of the Chapter 2 Season 2 outfit. It was previously leaked on the loading screen with a few other characters - including Optimus Prime.
The Transformer was recently revealed to be the Fortnite tier 100 skin, so much of the Battle Pass is already clear to players well before Epic Games revealed it. Including the Meowscles secret outfit and the tier 100 character, these have also been revealed:
- Era
- Trace
- Rian
- Lorenzo

Furthermore, a new Fish Stick variant has been spotted in various promotional materials as well. With all of these skins leaked, there's probably not much coming on the Battle Pass that the Fortnite community hasn't already seen.
Do bear in mind that leaks cannot be confirmed. While many of these come from official sources like the teaser trailer or a promotion, the leaks and the information about where they'll slot on the Battle Pass is speculative until Epic Games confirms it or the new season arrives with them.