They say history repeats itself and that may never be more apparent than with the creation of Doomsday Devices in Fortnite.
The first Doomsday Device was a super-weapon designed by Jules and Midas, built underneath The Agency all the way back in Chapter 2 Season 2. Midas planned to destroy The Loop with it.
Dr. Slone may be repeating the mistakes that Midas made by creating a new Doomsday Device. The Imagined Order stopped the original device, but now they are the ones building a new weapon of mass destruction.
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Dr. Slone and the IO are building their own Doomsday Device in Fortnite

It all began with the live event of Chapter 2 Season 2 known as "The Device." Midas used the Zero Point to power his Doomsday Device, hoping to destroy the Storm and end The Loop once and for all.
The Device eventually beat the Storm, but the Imagined Order prevented any further damage. They created The Wall of Water to protect the Loop and stopped Midas' Doomsday Device.
The plans for the Doomsday Device recently appeared at the Cuddle Cruisers landmark in Chapter 3 Season 1. It wasn't long before players noticed the plans were taken from the location.
That leads us to the present. The Imagined Order and Dr. Slone are putting together their own Doomsday Device that will more than likely have the same fate as Midas'.
The IO is falling behind in the war against the Resistance. They are losing and they know it. The Seven and the Resistance fighters are constantly pushing back against their control of the island.
This doesn't sit right with Dr. Slone and she is ready to take the war to another level. This is why several leakers and dataminers in the Fortnite community believe a new Doomsday Device is coming.
In-game requests and dialog speak of the Imagined Order's Doomsday Device. Loopers are being asked to deploy recon cameras near Loot Lake, which will probably play home to the weapon.
With plans missing for the original Doomsday Device, it is safe to say that the one being built by Dr. Slone and her Imagined Order is nearly identical to Midas'. It spells nothing but trouble for the entire island.