In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2, the war between The Seven and the Imagined Order continues. Tanks, armored battle bus, tactical mechanics, blimps, and more have been introduced as each side tries to gain an advantage.
This season is likely to culminate in a fight for the island between the two factions. However, there are no leaks or clues about any live event or finale for the season. With that in mind, a few early battles will be waged before then.
New leaks suggest that the IO and The Seven will be fighting for The Daily Bugle, and The Seven might win, destroying the IO Blimp in the process. Here's what players need to know.
Note: Epic Games has not confirmed any of this yet. All information in this article is based on leaks.
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The Seven vs IO war is likely to destroy the Fortnite blimps based on new leaks
This season, there have been blimps over most major POIs as the IO has taken over much of the island. They far outnumber The Seven, but players can expect The Seven to start turning the tide.
A new leak from FortTory suggests that players will be involved in this battle to help The Seven take The Daily Bugle back once and for all.
Two files that were uncovered suggest this. The first is "POI_DailyBugle_SevenOccupied", which doesn't get much clearer than that. Epic Games is planning for The Seven to take back the POI, and the location's look will change as a result.
The second is "Blimp_Destroyed". This indicates that the blimp hovering above The Daily Bugle will be destroyed rather than forced away from the POI in retreat.
It's unclear how The Seven will manage to do this, though the video indicates that there will be a troop spawner for them placed in the POI, which will help them eliminate all IO forces present.

It is also unclear just how much of a role Fortnite gamers will play in this. Seasonal challenges will likely be themed towards that, potentially tasking players to eliminate IO forces specifically in The Daily Bugle or other things in that location (there are currently Fortnite challenges based there, so this may be happening very soon).
There's also the potential for a small midseason live event that players can participate in to help The Seven. This is all speculation, though. Since this information is based on a leak, it should be taken with a grain of salt.