The end of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 is scheduled for just over a month, and fans are eager to see another exciting live event. Most seasons of Epic Games' battle royale title end with an explosive end-of-season event. In the absence of an official announcement for the same, fans are curious to know if the ongoing season will have a live event too.
Last season, Epic Games dropped several teasers to hint at the spread of Chrome before Chapter 3 Season 4 began. The event tied up several loose ends in the storyline and provided a sneak peek into what players can expect from next season.
Naturally, live events have become extremely important to the lore. They contribute to the story element of the game and keep it interesting. A lot of times, live events also contribute to the building of the metaverse. This begs the question of whether Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 will have a live event or not.
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All Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 live event leaks
The Herald has taken over the island, with the Chrome rapidly spreading across the map. It is up to The Paradigm of Reality 659 and Loopers to fight this never-seen-before threat to the Zero Point. While the Chrome has helped players become faster and stronger, the story behind its origin and The Herald's evil intentions are still unknown.

Leaks surrounding live events often show up in in-game files. Usually, leakers like HYPEX, ShiinaBR, or iFireMonkey on Twitter go through these files to obtain any relevant information. Unfortunately, it is too early for the developers to add files related to any live event in the game. In fact, live event files are usually added with the very last update of the season, which happens a week or two before the season ends.
While no leaks are available on whether a Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 live event exists, fans can be confident there will be one. There has hardly been a season in Chapter 3 that did not have a live event. Moreover, the Marvel Zero War comic has enough leaks to suggest a twist in the lore is right around the corner.
What to expect from the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 live event?

There are a lot of burning questions that fans need answers to before Chapter 3 Season 4 comes to an end. First and foremost, how do you stop the Herald and save the island once again? But once the threat from the Hearld goes away, will the island really be safe after all? Given the importance of the Zero Point, the island might face a looming threat right after the Herald is defeated, and will the end-of-season live event give Loopers a glimpse of it?
Then there is also the threat of Geno and the Imagined Order. The Foundation and Jonesy left in search of the leader of IO and still haven't returned to the island. With its fiercest protectors gone, the Zero Point lies vulnerable underneath the island. Since the start of Season 5 will be the mid-point of Chapter 3, it would be interesting to see how far the storyline has progressed.