Fortnite Chapter 3 introduced the loopers to a brand new island, the home of The Seven. Ever since the beginning of the storyline of Zero Point, The Seven have played a crucial part in breaking the loop and their oath to preserve the zero point.
They have been an ally of the loopers and still stand tall against the corrupted organization of The Imagined Order. At the beginning of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1, The Scientist has given several tasks and orders to the loopers to perform to help him rebuild rockets, so he can start searching for other lost members of The Seven.
Although a few weeks back, when the first rocket was launched, it returned to base, and now The Scientist informed the loopers that the "1st Recon Mission has failed". This leads to the emergence of the Second Rocket.
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The Seven in Fortnite is ready to launch a Second Rocket
A second rocket has appeared at the launch site near The Sanctuary, and the Seven are ready to send it into space for another recon mission. After the failure of the first mission, The Scientist had a usual request from the loopers.
He asked the loopers to destroy the telescopes and collect the parts for repairing new guidance systems for the Second Rocket. The Fortnite community speculated that the first rocket did not have enough power to recon for the other members of the Seven. Hence, the mission failed.
So, The Scientist got to work and knew exactly what needed to improve. Hence, the quest to find telescope parts to ensure the second mission does not fail. As the Foundation skin approaches closer to unlocking in Fortnite, players are ready to wear their outfits and defeat the IO Guards roaming across the island.
If the second recon mission is successful, they might expect another member of The Seven to join the war against the IO.
Mission to unite The Seven to fight the Imagined Order
The player base speculates that war is incoming between The Seven and The Imagined Order at the end of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1, and both sides have to give it all they have. The IO has already started surfacing to the flipped side of the island, with their mole sites patrolled by IO Guards.
This means that Slone will not stop until they have eliminated The Seven to protect the loop. Meanwhile, The Seven is on a quest to reunite the lost members such as Singularity, The Sisters, and one unknown member.
Once they have united all the members, The Foundation will have a worthy force to defeat Geno and his Imagined Order. A war is coming to Fortnite Chapter 3, and players have already started warming up for it.