The Item Shop has been a core part of Fortnite's DNA since its inception, providing players with a vast variety of skins and other cosmetics to consider and purchase in exchange for V-Bucks. While the Item Shop has seen negligible changes in skin prices over the years, no changes have upset the community until now.
With the launch of the new Fortnite x Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration, Epic Games unveiled previously teased skins like Katara, Toph, and Zuko, into the Item Shop. However, players were displeased to see the attached price tag, with the Item Shop showcasing a significant difference between the Avatar skins and previously released collaboration skins like the Invincible and Dragon Ball bundles.
This was highlighted in a recent Reddit post shared by u/vincenzodraws, where the player appealed to Epic Games to stop overpricing the skins, especially with the new Locker changes that remove almost all skin rarities from the locker. The Reddit post prompted a flurry of reactions from the Fortnite community, with Reddit user u/frizzy_rhapsody jokingly stating:
"Skinflation sucks"
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Reddit user u/lowlight23 expressed their disappointment, highlighting how they were excited to get the Avatar skins but were put off when they saw the prices. Reddit users u/The-Rotting-Zombie and u/Savings-Buffle-2160 echoed their sentiments, expressing how they were even managing their V-Bucks around to ensure they could purchase the skins they wanted only to not buy anything.
Expressing their disapproval of the Avatar skin prices and theorizing about the price hike, Reddit user u/Digiorno-Giovanna- commented:
"There’s no reason these avatar skins should be this much, they’re absolutely trying to push higher prices as the norm."
Additionally, Reddit user u/costcosasuke highlighted a different idea, prompting players to boycott the Avatar skins as a protest against Epic Games increasing Item Shop prices without warning.
Why did Epic Games launch the Fortnite x Avatar The Last Airbender skins with a higher price tag than usual?
While the release of the Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration was undoubtedly anticipated by members of the community, increased price tags for the skins have soured the moment. Now, the question is why did Epic Games do this? The increase in prices, mixed with the changes in the Locker UI, can be considered part of Epic Games' overhaul of Fortnite's cosmetic system.
While Epic Games has made no statements regarding the price hike, it has mentioned "abandoning the Battle Royale systems" when talking about the removal of skin rarities. These changes could pave the way for other future changes, leaving the price of skins uncertain for now.