Fortnite is filled to the brim with secrets and easter eggs put in by Epic Games to add a layer of unpredictability to the game. Players randomly come across these secrets during their pursuit of a Victory Royale. These secrets can range from hints towards the game's ever-expanding storyline and lore to rare elements hidden within cosmetics such as emotes.
This has been highlighted in a recent Reddit post shared by u/Dependent_Loquat_136, where the player can be seen in a Chapter 5 Season 3 match donning the Weapon X Outfit. As the player found themself surrounded by others wearing the Weapon X Outfit, they felt the need to punctuate the moment by performing the Howl Emote. However, as the player performed emote, they were treated to a sound different from the usual howling, something rarely seen in the game.
The Reddit clip ignited a flurry of reactions from the community, with u/OkamiRoxas taking to the comments to highlight the infrequent nature of the occurrence with the Howl Emote and stating:
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
“Something I’d consider being rare”

Other members of the community also chimed in on the rare moment showcased in the Reddit clip, with u/GalacticGizmo highlighting how the rare sound that played has a 1% chance of happening in-game and expressing their appreciation for the easter egg. u/JSTREO revealed how they had also witnessed this occurrence before, albeit years ago during Chapter 2 Season 2.

u/swagzard78 further emphasized the rare nature of the sound while also highlighting a similar phenomenon including the Slap Happy Emote. u/The_Conductor7274 further added to the discussion of other emotes with similar features, bringing up the Finger Guns Emote and how it can sometimes feature sounds from old westerns.
How to get the Howl Emote in Fortnite?

If you want to try your hand at experiencing the rare instance of the Howl Emote featured in the Reddit clip, you can do so by adding the emote to your library. The emote was first introduced to the Item Shop in Chapter 1 Season 6, and has since been seen there 33 times.
While it has been quite a while since the emote was seen in the Fortnite Item Shop, with it last appearing almost a year ago, Epic Games is likely to bring it back at some point down the line. Who knows maybe Fortnitemares 2024 will be the moment when the Howl Emote graces the Item Shop once again.
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