Command Cavern, formerly known as Covert Canyon, is a hot spot for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. It's got tons of loot and several Imagined Order guards, so players who land there and survive will have good weapons. Gunnar also lives there, so gamers who defeat him might wind up with his Mythic Stinger SMG.
All of that is good, but it doesn't necessarily make Command Cavern any different than Tilted Towers, Condo Canyon, or other IO-controlled POIs. A couple of reasons set this location apart from the others, though.
Why Command Cavern is the best spot in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
For starters, it has by far the best loot of any POI. It's filled with IO chests that routinely drop blue or better weapons. There are plenty of chests, and the IO guards drop blue weapons, too.
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It's heavily trafficked, so it isn't easy to land there and survive, especially in Solo mode. However, it's a solid spot with a team that can withstand all the opponents, IO guards, and Gunnar.
Gunnar will drop a Mythic weapon and the vault keycard. Inside the vault, there are:
- Four Air Drops
- Four IO Chests
- Four Gold Vaults (Safes)
- Six Ammo Boxes
- Two Large Ammo Boxes
The loot that players will inevitably come out of Command Cavern is incredible and probably better than any other location. But that's not the only reason it's the best landing spot.

Tanks, which are overpowered but one of the best additions to this season, are located at the POI. It's a huge plus for players to have great loot and tanks on their team.
Finally, mobility from Command Cavern is a huge plus, too. One player found an exploit (potentially a glitch) that allows players to travel highly far with ease from there.
If players load themselves into the siege cannon outside of the POI, there's a launchpad within shooting distance. If gamers are aiming ideally, they can launch themselves onto the launchpad and bounce way up.
This will allow them to launch way higher than they usually would. It rivals dropping from the battle bus and pulling the glider almost immediately. After that, Fortnite gamers can pretty much fly wherever they want.
It's unclear if this is a glitch that Epic Games will patch in the next update, but gamers should take advantage of it while it's still active.