Most seasons in Fortnite come with the release of Mythic weapons. These are usually the best of the best and provide players with a significant advantage over their opponents. Few have been considered overpowered before, but they're undoubtedly among the best weapons available every season.
Mythic weapons are usually rare and hard to acquire, so Fortnite players who do find them should definitely make full use of the advantage they have. This article will discuss which Mythics have been the best throughout the seasons of Fortnite.
Best Mythic weapons in Fortnite history
5) Infinity Blade
This weapon was one of the strongest in the game's history. Many Fortnite players complained that it was extremely overpowered and it certainly seemed like the truth. The increased damage and extra health it granted to its users was very useful, but the weapon was vaulted and is likely to stay that way forever.
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4) Paper Bomb Kunai
These explosives, introduced for the Naruto collaboration in Chapter 2 Season 8, were quite good and became arguably the best of its category in the game. The impact damage, coupled with slow burning damage and a sizeable explosion, made it one of the most effective throwables in the game's history.

3) Spider-Man Webshooters
The new Webshooters have just been introduced in Chapter 3 Season 1, but have already proven to be one of the best till date. The mobility they provide is unparalleled and it allows players to make an easy escape from any situation. The only downside to this Mythic item is that it doesn't deal any damage and has limited ammo, but it is still an amazing addition to the game.
2) Ocean's Bottomless Chug Jug
Health points are very important in Fortnite. There has been no item more effective for healing than the Chug Jug, and the Mythic version from Chapter 2 Season 3 was the best in the game's history. While it did take quite some time to drink and refill, having full health available at all times was a huge benefit for all types of players.
1) Venom/Carnage Symbiote
The Venom and Carnage Symbiote skins were short-lived, but were definitely among the best the game has had to offer. They provided increased mobility, a speed boost, and could deal damage. The glider redeploy alone is good enough to consider this one of the best Mythics in Fortnite history.

What's been the best Mythic item so far?
This article reflects the personal views of the author.