Top 5 Fortnite players who were banned permanently 

Image via Epic Games
Image via Epic Games

High profile permanent Fortnite ban scandals rarely happen, but when they do, they're unforgettable.

According to Epic Games, few things can get a player permanently banned. Players can look around at the many suspensions and temporary bans and find out that there needs to be real severity to get someone banned.

Here is a list of people that were permanently banned from Fortnite. Links to in-depth articles about their bans are right below each entry.

Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the article's writer

5 most well known bans in Fortnite

#5 - DolphinHacks (Exposed by ShotgunPlays)

Image via YouTube
Image via YouTube

DolphinHacks is a case that feels like a piece of interesting trivia. DolphinHacks was a small-time Fortnite cheater revered by his viewers.

It must have come as a surprise to Epic Games when ShotgunPlays told them that a streamer with "hacks" in his name was cheating. ShotgunPlays was just browsing through twitch to find smaller streamers with potential, when he came across DolphinHacks.

DolphinHacks had many videos where the cheating was apparent to see, so really, it was only a matter of time.

Related: Fortnite: Top three streamers who got banned during their live stream

#4 - David "Zaccubus" Treacy

Image via Zaccubus
Image via Zaccubus

Zaccubus' ban was the most interesting in the opinion of many. He was banned because he played a solos match with a friend, but did not really compete. When they started the solos match, he told his friend to land as far away from him as possible. This isn't necessarily cheating.

When they crossed paths, a firefight started. When Zaccubus realized that it was his friend, he ran away. This action showed that they weren't competing against each other. That made them a team. Fortnite responded quickly and permanently banned Zaccubus for teaming in solos.

Related: 5 biggest cheating scandals in Fortnite history

#3 - Kai "Kquid" Eaton

Image via Kquid
Image via Kquid

KQuid is a sad name to have on this list because many younger players looked up to him. He had won the Fortnite Championship "Grand Finale," was a respected name in the community, and was going to go places. Unfortunately, it was all a lie.

A user named Serpent AU exposed Kquid's aimbot by showing it being used in Kquid's Fortnite stream. Serpent AU revealed the Aimbot programs on Kquid's desktop. Kquid has since fallen into obscurity.

Related: Fortnite Pro 'Kquid' banned indefinitely for cheating during FNCS Invitational - Claims 'not guilty'

#2 - Kalvin "Kez" Dam

Image via Kez & Sportskeeda
Image via Kez & Sportskeeda

This ban was probably the most shocking and controversial ones to ever happen in Fortnite. Kez was a competitive professional Fortnite player. He was paid money to play the game and he was in a great position.


During the Frosty Frenzy tournament, he was caught using a soft-aimbot. When he was eventually exposed, there was a mountain of evidence against him. Kez immediately deactivated his social media accounts and has since made no statement on the situation.

Related: Fortnite FNCS champ banned on live stream for allegedly aim-hacking at tournament

#1 - Jarvis "FaZe Jarvis" Khattri

Image via FaZe Jarvis
Image via FaZe Jarvis

The biggest profile ban on this list has actually been banned from Fortnite twice. The first ban was because FaZe Jarvis was caught recording himself using aimbot and scoring kills and wins on YouTube.


This was not smart in itself, because he is a big name doing something that is an easy ban. He was banned permanently for the offenses and has tried to move on, although his audience has never been as big or active as when he was on Fortnite.

He then decided to try and taunt Epic Games by tweeting that he would be playing Fortnite again. It took all of 15 minutes for Jarvis to be taken down in the middle of his match. How low the mighty have fallen.

Related: Streamers react as FaZe Jarvis is banned from Fortnite again

Edited by Nikhil Vinod
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