Many Fortnite skins cycle their way through the Item Shop. A lot of good ones will return after they leave, which alleviates the pressure to get one as soon as it gets into the Item Shop. On the other hand, several skins have never returned to the Item Shop.
Many have been absent for nearly 1,000 days. Still, these skins may return some day, even if that day is a long way away. There are some skins, though, that will never come back.
Not Fortnite skins like Black Widow or Hacivat that have been absent for 800+ days. Those were Item Shop skins, and as such, they have a chance of returning. Skins that don't have a chance of returning are Battle Pass exclusives. Fortnite wants players to purchase it, so making its skins exclusive is how to ensure that. Here's some rare skins that won't be returning at all.
Fortnite skins never returning
5. Galaxy
Samsung partnered with Fortnite to give it away to players who bought a new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and Galaxy Tablet S4. That made it the most expensive skin to have, since those phones cost upwards of $700 USD. It was never in the Item Shop and never will be.
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4. Omega
Omega, the Season 1 Chapter 4 tier 100 skin was Fortnite's first foray into superheroes. While it's not a collaboration, it does seem to be inspired by Iron Man. Still, it was a battle pass exclusive and won't be returning as such.

3. Dark Voyager
The Dark Voyager is a battle pass exclusive from Chapter 1 Season 3. That means it debuted in February of 2018 and disappeared forever in April of that same year. No player today can acquire this skin, making it one of the rarest skins that will never get any more common.
2. The Reaper
Although Fortnite eventually collaborated with the actual John Wick, the "John Wick" skin from Chapter 1 Season 3, the Reaper, is pretty rare and will not be returning. The Reaper was available a long time ago and was the tier 100 skin, so not even everyone who had the battle pass achieved that level.
1. Black Knight
The Black Knight was the Chapter 1 Season 2 battle pass "tier 100" skin, though level 70 was the highest back then. This has been one of the most requested and highly sought-after skins since it left the game in early 2018. Alas, it has never and will never return to the Item Shop.

Which of these skins is the best?