Top 5 overpowered Fortnite weapons that completely broke the game

The list of the most overpowered Fortnite weapons to ever grace the game (Image via Epic Games)
The list of the most overpowered Fortnite weapons to ever grace the game (Image via Epic Games)

Fortnite Battle Royale players have had the chance to use over a hundred different items since the video game came out. While most of these items have been balanced, some of them were anything but that.


Epic Games has released several Fortnite weapons that completely ruined the balance of the game. Fortunately, they were either nerfed or vaulted because countering them was almost impossible.

In this article, we will list the five most overpowered Fortnite weapons that have completely ruined the balance of the game.

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Ranking 5 Fortnite weapons that were insanely overpowered when they were in the game


5) Drum Gun

The Drum Gun was one of the strongest Fortnite weapons of all time. (Image via Epic Games)
The Drum Gun was one of the strongest Fortnite weapons of all time. (Image via Epic Games)

Epic Games first released the Drum Gun in Chapter 1 Season 4. This weapon was originally a submachine gun, yet its damage was higher than other guns of the same type. Its fire rate was lower, but still faster than that of assault rifles.


What made the Drum Gun so overpowered was its magazine size. This weapon had 50 bullets in its magazine, which was too much. Countering the weapon was nearly impossible as it would keep destroying builds and hitting players behind them.

The weapon was vaulted in Season 5, but players decided to bring it back during The Unvaulting event back in Season 8.

In Chapter 2, Epic Games brought the Drum Gun back, but it was quite exclusive. The first time around, it was given to Midas as a boss-loot in the second season of this chapter. Afterwards, the weapon could have been obtained by eliminating Jules in Season 3.


4) Compact SMG

The original Compact SMG was stronger than Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. (Image via Epic Games)
The original Compact SMG was stronger than Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. (Image via Epic Games)

It definitely seems like Epic Games had a thing for spray-and-pray Fortnite weapons in the early seasons. Compact SMG is another quick-firing weapon that was unstoppable when it was released.


The weapon first came out in Season 5 and the Legendary (gold) variant of it dealt 24 damage. Like the Drum Gun, it had a 50-bullet magazine, but it also fired 11 bullets per second.

The original Compact SMG was not drastically affected by the damage fall-off either, which made it extremely powerful for mid-range combat as well.


At one point, players compared it to Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet that was in the game during Season 4. Believe it or not, Compact SMG dealt more damage than this Mythic item.

Epic Games ended up nerfing this weapon numerous times before it was balanced. It was then vaulted in Season 9.

3) Combat Shotgun

Combat Shotgun was one of the deadliest Fortnite weapons ever. (Image via Epic Games)
Combat Shotgun was one of the deadliest Fortnite weapons ever. (Image via Epic Games)

Every list of overpowered Fortnite weapons should include the Combat Shotgun. This weapon was a beast!


Back in Chapter 1 Season 9, Epic Games decided to make the game much faster by adding fast-firing weapons, slipstreams, and several other items that increased the tempo.

The Combat Shotgun was first released this season, but unlike the other shotguns, it was used for medium range combat too! At one point, players referred to it as a "Shotgun Sniper," which was definitely the right way to describe it.

Not only was the range of this gun incredible, its fire rate was great as well. The closest comparison would be The Spire Assassin's Primal Shotgun from Chapter 2 Season 6.


This weapon was vaulted out of the blue with a hotfix in Season X.

2) Guided Missile

Guided Missile was the most lethal explosive weapon back in Season 3. (Image via Epic Games)
Guided Missile was the most lethal explosive weapon back in Season 3. (Image via Epic Games)

The Guided Missile will go down as one of the most dangerous Fortnite weapons of all time. Adding it to the game simply made no sense, especially considering that it was released back in Season 3.


This is the season when Epic Games released the Turbo Build to Fortnite Battle Royale. Turbo Build allowed players to build structures much faster, and that's probably why Epic thought it was a good idea to add the Guided Missile.

Originally, the Guided Missile dealt 105 damage in its Epic (purple) rarity and 110 damage in Legendary (gold) rarity. Players had full control over it and could lead it wherever they wanted.

This was very frustrating as many players were just getting started with Fortnite and did not know how to build. One of the most powerful Fortnite weapons of all time also dealt 400 damage to structures, which was more than enough to destroy most of the player-built structures.


Keep in mind that the Playground (or Creative) mode was not available at the time. The only way for players to practice building and to improve their skills in Fortnite was in the Battle Royale mode. However, the Guided Missile simply took all the fun out of playing.

It's also important to note that there was no limit on the amount of Rockets players could carry back then.

1) Infinity Blade

Infinity Blade is at the top of the list of the most overpowered Fortnite weapons. (Image via Epic Games)
Infinity Blade is at the top of the list of the most overpowered Fortnite weapons. (Image via Epic Games)

The Infinity Blade was one of the first melee weapons added to the game. It had a Mythic rarity and players could get it from Polar Peak. However, this blade ended up being one of the strongest Fortnite weapons of all time and Epic Games quickly removed it from the game.


The Infinity Blade was much more than just a weapon and it increased the player's health to 400 hit points and movement speed by 130%. Furthermore, the bearer of the blade would regain one hit point every second, and the weapon also had the Siphon effect enabled.

The only advantage of wielding the Infinity Blade was the building restriction. While carrying the weapon, players had no access to building tools, which is something that was supposed to make them vulnerable to ranged attacks.


However, there was an easy workaround, which was simply dropping the weapon and building structures right after. Players could use this strategy to protect themselves, then pick up the Infinity Blade and regain health.

The weapon was added on December 11, 2018, yet Epic removed it three days later.

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Edited by Abu Amjad Khan
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