The Cube (Kevin) in Fortnite is certainly one of the most mysterious objects ever. Since Chapter 1, players have been trying to understand its motive. The chronicle has become even more complicated with Chapter 2 Season 8 when Glevin and Blevin also arrived on the island.
However, it is self-evident that Fortnite cubes are severely overpowered. They are gigantic, and cannot be harmed by bullets, explosions or weapons. Back in Chapter 1, it was also discovered that the cubes can heal players.
Here are five powerful objects from alternate dimensions that wouldn't stand a change against the Fortnite cubes.
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Five objects whose believed invulnerability could easily be dispelled by the Fortnite cubes
1) Mjölnir
Mjölnir, the hammer owned by Thor, is one of the strongest objects in the Marvel universe. As per Odin, it was made by one of the strongest metals, Uru.

Surprisingly, Thor's sister, Hella, was able to destroy the Mjölnir with ease. Kevin the Cube was able to break the island in several parts in Chapter 1, and naturally, breaking a hammer wouldn't be any greater a challenge for it.
2) Iron Man
As much as fans love Iron Man, they must accept that he is protected just by a suit made of Gold-Titanium alloy. Iron Man couldn't use Vibranium for his armor because of the metal's rarity.

Considering all these factors, it is safe to assume that Tony Stark wouldn't be able to defeat the Fortnite cubes even with his best suits. All the missiles and bullets will be ineffective, and the cube's power can easily break the armor as well.
3) Captain America's shield
Captain America's shield is made of Vibranium, owing to which many fans think that it's unbreakable. However, Vibranium isn't powerful enough when compared to other objects in the universe, like the Fortnite cubes.

Vibranium is just the strongest metal on Marvel's earth, and wouldn't be too dominant against objects from other dimensions. Accordingly, the Fortnite cubes will be able to break the shield.
4) Sword of Superman
The Sword of Superman has always been a great support to the hero. It could show him the right way and create illusions, and this undoubtedly made the sword a must-have weapon.

Having said that, the Sword of Superman isn't strong enough to deal with Fortnite cubes. It is not even considered the strongest weapon in the DC universe, and it is unlikely that the energy fired by it could do any harm to the cubes.
5) The Master Sword
Fans of Legend of Zelda consider the Master Sword as the most iconic object in the franchise, because Ganon can only be defeated with it.

Ganon primarily boasted physical strength and dark magic that are ineffective on Fortnite cubes. Similarly, the only appreciable feature of the Master Sword is the time travel. In terms of strength, the cubes can certainly overshadow it.
As of now, the Cube Queen is trying to establish her reign over the island together with the cubes. Even though Dr. Slone has opened up the secret **Redacted** bunker, it seems like the IO head will have to sacrifice herself.