The tryhard vs. casual debate may never end in Fortnite. Many players are frustrated with the amount of people that put maximum effort into winning at all costs in Fortnite.
Sweats, as they're often referred to because of what happens to them every game as a result of the amount of effort put in. Those sweats often just tell players who'd like a more casual gaming experience to "get good."
Players who want to avoid those people can often see them by the skins they wear. Soccer skins are the most notable tryhard skins, but here are some other tryhard skins that only cost 800 V-Bucks, the lowest price for skins in the game.
Tryhard Fortnite skins for 800 V-Bucks
#5 - Envoy
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The Envoy skin joined the Item Shop in Chapter 2 Season 2. It instantly became a tryhard favorite and was of uncommon rarity, making it the perfect addition to this list.
It's not a super popular skin, making it easy to tell when someone's a tryhard because if this skin is in the game, they're probably going to be sweating both figuratively and literally.

#4 - Swamp Stalker
Added in Chapter 1 Season X, the Swamp Stalker was a cheap but pretty good skin to have. Many Fortnite players went after it because of the cost to quality ratio but the people who still use it are mainly tryhards.
#3 - Clash
Clash made her debut in the Item Shop on February 5th, 2020. A week later she disappeared and has not returned since.
Those who got her can consider themselves lucky because this is one of the best skins out there for 800 V-Bucks. Unfortunately that fact, along with the rarity, makes this a prime tryhard skin.

#2 - Crystal
Crystal was added to the game in Chapter 1 Season X. She has been an extremely popular skin since then, especially among tryhards. Receiving a summer themed variant recently didn't help that much, either.

#1 - Default skins
The default skins from Chapter 1 were only used when no skin was selected. At the onset of Chapter 2, Fortnite decided to make this an Item Shop skin and bundle so players could play with the default skins.
Tryhards in Chapter 1 used no skin and now they have the opportunity to buy and use whatever "no" skin they preferred. If a player has the default skin in Chapter 2, they're likely a tryhard.
Which of these Fortnite skins is the most tryhard?