Players have seen many changes in the Fortnite map over the last couple of years. It is agreeable that the map looks nothing similar to what it did when the game was first released in 2017.
Since the start of the game, players have seen many new locations added to the map, many locations removed from the map, and even a whole entirely brand new one!
Due to all the changes, players who haven't played the game in a while may have no idea where the best places to drop are now located. In this article, new and returning players will learn about the top seven drop spots in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
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Top landing spots in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
1) Shifty Shafts

Although Shifty Shafts has been around since the early days of the game, it is still one of the best drop spots for players to land. Shifty may not have as much loot as other places. However, it is good for many different reasons.
The layout of Shifty makes it a fantastic drop spot because there are a lot of places for players to spread out and take the time to strategize. There is also a lot of wood around Shifty, which is ideal for players who love to build fights.
2) Daily Bugle

The Daily Bugle is a reasonably new location on the map. Players were introduced to this location in Chapter 3 Season 1 of the map. The Daily Bugle is easily rated one of the most popular drop spots on the map in Chapter 3.
Although this location is always heavily populated, players can still find good loot here. There are ziplines, web trampolines, and water that players can use as a faster means of transportation.
The only con about landing here is that the circle often closes away from it because it is on the edge of the map.
3) Chonkeys Speedway

Chonkeys Speedway is a new location on the map that players may not be very familiar with. The buildings in this location are full of chests for players to find lots of good loot in.
This location also contains a race track with sports cars for players to race around with their friends. Despite all the pros of the map, this location is at the very bottom of the map, meaning the circle rarely closes around it.
4) Camp Cuddle

Camp Cuddle is one of the lesser populated areas on the map. New players will be able to land here and gather loot without very much conflict. This part of the map is much quieter than other locations.
For players who want to have a more peaceful game, Camp Cuddle is the place to land. There is also an outpost located nearby for players to visit as well.
5) Tilted Towers

Tilted Towers is not only one of the original landing spots in the game, but it is also one of the best & most popular areas for players to land. Tilted has been around the game since the very beginning.
This location was removed for a long time until it made a well-needed return to the game in early 2022. Tilted is always a very crowded drop spot. Tons of players are always racing to land here, as players waited so long for it to return to the map.
There are plenty of buildings for players to drop and gather loot for the battle. Tilted is also in a pretty good location on the map, meaning the player will have time to gather materials and won't have to move as quickly.
6) Sleepy Sound

Sleepy Sound was introduced in Chapter Three, Season One of the game. Players who have been playing the game since the start of Chapter One have become a bit more familiar with the location.
Sleepy Sound has plenty of houses for players to loot and find the materials they need for later in the game. This location also has cars and a gas station nearby to fuel up before traveling the map.
7) The Fortress

The Fortress is a new location on the Fortnite map. This location is a Drill where Doctor Slone guards and other AI guards. There are at least 10 chests and eight ammo boxes at the Fortress.