Trespasser Elite Fortnite codes can redeem the Trespasser skin for the players.
The Trespasser has been something that is present in Fortnite from the start of Season 7 - Invasion. This skin has been a constant in Fortnite. The Trespasser is quite an amazing looking skin and the best part about it is, even though Epic hasn't spoken about it, this skin is authentic and excellent.
What is Trespasser Elite Fortnite?
Epic Games has released a plethora of cosmetics rewards for the Season 7 of Fortnite and this includes the Trespasser Elite Skin. Since Epic Games are known for their collaborations, this amazing skin has also been a result of one such collaboration between Stream Elements and Fortnite. This magnificent costume will ultimately be available in the item shop for a limited period. The article covers how users can get this limited-edition skin for free in Fortnite using the Fortnite Trespasser Elite Skin Code.
Trespasser Elite Fortnite Code
Trespasser Elite is a new Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale that will be available shortly. According to Epic, content providers may only obtain the Outfit through StreamElements. Like the Doodler Wrap, the Outfit itself could be obtained using social networking codes and then sold in the Item Store. Trespassers can replace some NPCs and look at random, blending in. They do not assault players unless their cover is breached or damage is dealt to their saucers. Trespassers can also be shaken to find more Trespassers or Alien Parasites. The new skin continues the concept of similar themes throughout the game. The skin's catch is that it is only available to streamers and is free.
How to unlock the Trespasser Elite skin in Fortnite?
The Fortnite Trespasser Elite skin was unlocked thanks to a collaboration with streaming toolset vendor StreamElements. You might get a coupon for the Trespasser Elite skin by heading to their website and joining in with your YouTube account. You need to broadcast 10 hours of Fortnite with a downloadable overlay enabled and at least five concurrent viewers. Recently, this area of their site collapsed, claiming, "Applications are presently closed, and will begin retaking applications later.”