Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass recently received a welcome overhaul. Players are very happy to see the new UI and the cosmetics that come with it. Unfortunately, not everything about the new Battle Pass is positive, with the weekly challenges getting a massive nerf.
Epic Games has subtly set the weekly challenges to expire a week from their release. This means players will only have seven days to complete the nine quests they get every week. This comes in as an unfortunate piece of news for players who cannot play the game regularly and prefer to grind it in the last few weeks.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass nerfs weekly challenges
One of the fastest ways to level up in Epic Games' Battle Royale is to complete all the daily and weekly challenges. Every week of the season, players get a new set of quests that reward them with 25,000 XP each. The best thing about these quests is that they stay until the end of the season. Therefore, players can stack up these quests and complete them whenever they have some free time.
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Unfortunately, the new nerf to the Fortnite Battle Pass has made it difficult for players to complete. With Chapter 4 Season 1, Epic Games has set the weekly challenges to expire. This means that players will only have a week to complete their weekly quests. They will no longer have access to quests after new weekly challenges arrive.
What do the Fortnite weekly challenge changes mean?
Clearly, the change has put players in a very tough spot. It will force players to play the game much more frequently, or else they will end up losing the free skins that come with the Battle Pass they have paid for. Naturally, many players are upset with the change and feel that Epic Games should revert to the original system of weekly challenges staying till the end of the season.

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass has some really exciting skins. Naturally, players will hate to miss out on some of them, especially the Tier 100 'The Ageless' outfit. Without the weekly challenges lasting long, players will have to figure out new ways to level up past and max out their Battle Pass before the season ends.
How to unlock all the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass skins?
After Epic Games has nerfed the weekly challenges, players will have to find new strategies to earn XP and level up faster. The best way will be to take a day out from their week and finish all the weekly challenges. Those who still prefer to max out their Pass at the end of the season will have to play a lot more games to make up for the lost XP. In fact, some players might also end up buying Battle Pass tiers to unlock their rewards.

While the change encourages more active players throughout the season, it also infuriates many players who cannot play the game actively. Unless the change is reversed, many players might have to think twice before purchasing the Fortnite Battle Pass, as they will not be able to complete it within time. Exploiting XP glitches can always be the last resort for players, but they might land players in some trouble.