Understanding the various terminologies used by a game like Fortnite can make the gameplay experience feel a lot smoother.
Fortnite is one of those games which rose very quickly in the competitive scenario. With many tournaments being organised throughout any given year, Fortnite is by far one of the most popular games out there.
Due to its competitive nature there are a lot of terminologies that have been associated with Fortnite. These terminologies might get slightly confusing for players but then again, it's only a matter of time before they pick them up. Once people get used to these terms, it gets easy from that point on.
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What do IGL, PR and LTM mean in Fortnite?
#1 IGL = In Game Leader

In-Game Leader, or shot caller as the name goes, is the one who calls out all the strategies in a game of Fortnite. They're the ones who make sure everyone knows the plan and everyone is on the same page when it comes to the decisions the team takes in the game.
Effectively, there are two types of calls in a game of Fortnite: "Microcalls" and "Macrocalls".
Microcalls are very specific and identify the play very quickly. An example of a microcall would be "Joe, two players housed up in the shed at 80. You lay cover fire, while I'll go flank them."
Now this call answers the questions "How many people? Where? and What's the plan?" in one single statement. Microcalls answer questions quickly and effectively
Macrocalls identify the overall planning of the game, including resource management. The leader calling out macrocalls focuses on the entire game rather than the firefight at hand.
An example of a macrocall would be, "we need to cut through the forest for supplies. Watch for movement, collect supplies and hit the highway. We take the vehicles and make a dash for the circle. Conserve ammo, don't take the first shot. Move from cover to cover."
This statement gives an overall idea of the plan for the initial part of the game. It also makes the team aware of the danger if any.
The macrocaller and microcaller can be the same individual, depending upon their skill. However, just because the in-game leader is doing all the calls, doesn't mean players have to rely upon the IGL for everything. Sometimes contributing to team decisions also makes a lot of difference.
#2 PR = Power Rankings

Power rankings rank the best players in Fortnite in the competitive sector. The rankings are updated every 24 hours and players are given a score based upon their performance in tournaments.
To appear on a leaderboard, players need to compete in specific tournaments. Players need to have a specific score to make it to a leaderboard depending upon the region.
#3 LTM = Limited Time Mode
Limited Time Modes are special modes in the game which are available for only a short time in Fortnite. The Floor is lava is an example of a limited time mode game. In Fortnite though, LTM may also be used to describe a Large Team Mode as well.
50v50 and Teams of 20 are two prime examples of a Large Team Mode game in Fortnite. Now, Large Team Modes are Limited Time Modes as well. These modes aren't available on a regular basis in the game, and when they're available, they're available for a limited time.

If not anything else, Large Team Modes do force players to co-operate with complete strangers in order to win a game, enhancing the feeling of teamwork.
Limited Time Modes add a refreshing change to the game, which tends to get monotonous after a point of time. Continuously battling it out against 100 players in a smash and grab setting while watching out for the big bad storm does get mentally taxing at times.
Hence, these Limited Time Modes are often necessary to keep the players from getting frustrated with Fortnite.