The next Fortnite update for Chapter 4 Season 1 will likely occur either in the third or fourth week of January. While it is speculated that the update v23.20 will be released tomorrow (January 10), some might opine otherwise, and with good reason.
Since the developers' winter break ended a few days ago, they will likely need time to reorganize and put things in order. That said, rushing for an update post-vacation is not the best idea, especially given the game's number of bugs/glitches.
Fortnite update v23.20 release date timeline
With January 10 out of the picture, this leaves only two possible dates for the next Fortnite update: January 17 and 24. Since all major updates fall on a Tuesday, these are the suggested dates for the next update.
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That said, while January 31 is also a Tuesday, the update will not be postponed until then. Since the last major update (v23.10) occurred nearly a month ago on December 13, Epic Games will hopefully not delay things.
On that note, the next update will likely implement a major bug/glitch fix and hopefully un-vault the Shockwave Hammer. Due to a major game-breaking issue discovered, the weapon/item was disabled on all Playlists and vaulted a few hours ago.
Based on an official statement posted by the developers, they intend to re-enable the Shockwave Hammer with the next unspecified update. Since they also mentioned that "when the issue has been resolved," this may imply that the weapon/item will be unvaulted during the upcoming update 'only' if the issue has been resolved.
Hopefully, the problem will be fixed when the update v23.20 is ready to be pushed. Since the Shockwave Hammer is part of the Chapter 4 loot pool, indefinitely vaulting it as they did with Deku's Smash Mythic will not bode well with the community.
What else will be fixed in Fortnite update v23.20?
Although there's not much information at the moment, thanks to the official Trello Board, there are a few potential bugs/glitches that may be fixed in the Fortnite update v23.20. Here's a list of all the potential/possible fixes that are in development:
- Shockwave Hammer-related issue
- Hype overlaps with Overshield in the Zero Build Arena
- Opening the Map or Quests while using Split-screen causes the second player’s view to turn black
- Players may be sent back to the initial location when exiting a vehicle in-game
- Melee Designer basic attacks will not damage structures despite settings stating otherwise
- Props attached to prop manipulator devices can show in-game despite the device being disabled by the user
- The screen flashes white when R.O.S.I.E. is fired at or around the player in-game
- Unable to purchase Save the World mode in Fortnite Battle Royale
The issues in development are spread across Battle Royale, Creative, and Save The World modes. Roughly 16 more bugs/glitches are being investigated. Epic Games will update the status of their investigation once progress has been made.