There are 16 NPCs in Fortnite and one of them dropped into the island just yesterday. Wrath finally made his way into the game and can now be found roaming around Stealthy Stronghold. Several of this season's NPCs have related battle pass skins, like Fabio Sparklemane. The same can be said for Charlotte.
Charlotte is a new NPC this season and is one of the first battle pass rewards that players can unlock. She also has a questline, which is currently the only way Fortnite players can complete challenges and level up quickly. In order to unlock any questline, players need to find and speak with that NPC, so here's a guide on how to find Charlotte.
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Where is Charlotte in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8?
Charlotte can be found roaming around Pleasant Park. It is recommended that players don't immediately try and land to talk to her because Pleasant Park is one of the most hectic POIs and doing so will likely result in a premature exit. When players get close, they can look for the telltale chat sign on the minimap to find her precise location at that time.

Upon talking to her, Fortnite players can unlock her IO Heist challenges. Not much is known about Charlotte yet, but she seems intent on destroying the IO, or at least what is left of them. Her final three Fortnite quests all involve the IO:
- Collect an Assault Rifle and a Grenade (0/2) - 12,000 XP
- Reach Max Shields (0/100) - 14,000 XP
- Visit an IO Outpost or the IO Convoy (0/1) - 16,000 XP
- Eliminate IO Guards (0/2) - 18,000 XP
- Search a Chest in an IO Outpost or in the IO Convoy (0/1) - 20,000 XP
The first two can be completed rather easily as assault rifles and grenades are fairly common and max shield is something everyone strives for. The other challenges will prove to be a bit more tedious, as IO bases are few and far between.
IO guards can be found in a cluster near the Green Steel Bridge. Eliminating two guards there will be quite difficult as there are a lot of IO guards intent on eliminating the player first. Completing all challenges will net players 80,000 XP in total.