Following the alien invasion of Fortnite, hiding and cowering have become part and parcel of life on the island. Caught up between aliens and the IO, at times, the best option is simply to hide.
A lot of players have been doing this for a while now, and with great success. Using hiding places in-game can help players get out of tricky situations at times, while at others, they become fish in the barrel.
Often, players lure opponents to hiding spots and ambush them as they let their guard down. Players can hide in dumpsters, porta-potties, and even haystacks. While there is always a risk of being discovered when hiding, the benefits of using hiding places outweigh the risks by a lot.
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It would seem that aliens have taken notice of this particularity, and are now willing to reward players with experience points for destroying hiding places.
While players don't have to turn on their fellow loopers and agree to serve these alien overlords, to be fair they are offering a fair bit of XP for dismantling just three hiding spots. So, with all that being said, it's time to destroy hiding places to complete the "Destroy Hidden Places" Week 4 Epic challenge in Fortnite Season 7.
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Fortnite Season 7: How to complete the "Destroy Hidden Places" week 4 Epic challenge
To complete this challenge, players will have to find hiding places in-game and destroy them. In total, three hiding places need to be destroyed, for which players will receive 30,000 XP as a reward.
Before beginning this challenge, players should be aware that there are many different objects which can be used as hiding places. Dumpsters and haystacks are the classic hiding spots, while porta-potties are the newest. With that being said, here's how players can easily complete this challenge.
Dumpster diving
To locate hiding places in Fortnite and destroy them, players won't have to look far. Dumpsters are commonly found all over the island and should be the easiest thing for players to find and destroy.
North of Corny Complex, players will find The Pizza Pit and The Orchard. These two POIs have more than enough hiding places for players to destroy. Given that they are not hot drop zones, players should be able to carry out the task unhindered.
Also Read: Where to collect doomsday preppers in Fortnite Season 7 (Week 4 Legendary challenges)