Epic Games recently added a set of challenges to Season 6, where players will have to locate the Durr Burger landmark in Fortnite.
Fortnite Season 6 has now entered its eighth week, and some of the locations on the island have become more important than ever. Durr Burger is one of the most iconic landmarks in Fortnite and has become a fan-favorite spot over the years.
Players have two specific challenges to complete in the Week 8 Epic Quests that require them to travel to the Durr Burger location in Fortnite Season 6. Hence, finding the landmark is essential for completing all these challenges.
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This article will discuss how players can visit the Durr Burger landmark in Fortnite Season 6 and complete the Week 8 Epic Quests related to it.
Where is Durr Burger in Fortnite Season 6?
The Durr Burger POI is located in the southwestern corner of the map. The landmark is easy to locate as it has Holly Hedges to its north, the Guardian Of The Woods Tower to its east, and Slurpy Swamp to its south.
The easiest way to land here is to target the dive between Holly Hedges and Slurpy Swamp. The location has ample amounts of wood, stone, and metal for players to harvest and use later on during combat.
Players can complete two of Week 8's Epic Quests by visiting the Durr Burger landmark in Fortnite. "Dance in Durr Burger Kitchen" and "Drive from Durr Burger to Pizza Pit" quests can also be completed from this landmark.
For the first challenge, players will simply need to drop down at Durr Burger in Fortnite and emote after getting inside the kitchen area. This will complete the challenge and reward players with 24,000 XP.
However, the second challenge is not as easy. Players will have to drive a vehicle from Durr Burger to Pizza Pit. These two landmarks are quite far apart from each other, and there is no straightforward route connecting them. Loopers will have to drive via Boney Burbs and Colossal Crops.
First, players will have to find a vehicle at Durr Burger and find some gas cans to fuel the vehicle. They can also try to get the Chonkers Tire Set mods as it will improve the vehicle's off-road handling.
After doing this, players can drive straight from Durr Burger to Pizza Pit without exiting their vehicles. The quest will be completed once players reach their destination.
Loopers can earn up to 48,000 XP by completing these two challenges at the Durr Burger landmark in Fortnite Season 6.