With the Fortnite x Jujutsu Kaisen collaboration now live, a few changes have been implemented on the island. There are new weapons, cosmetics, and of course, new wildlife. Normal Llamas or Loot Llamas have been replaced with Cursed Llamas, which can be eliminated to obtain powerful mythic weapons alongside other loot.
Similar to Loot Llamas, these Cursed variants tend to flee when spotted, making them difficult to eliminate in the heat of the moment. Nevertheless, taking them down is not that hard. However, locating them will take a bit of effort. Here's how to find Cursed Llamas in Fortnite Chapter 4.
How to find Cursed Llamas in Fortnite Chapter 4
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To find Cursed Llamas on the island, you will have to pay attention to the mini-map located on the top-right of the screen. Unlike regular Loot Llamas, a Cursed Llama is highlighted on the mini-map when you're close enough to one, which makes them easier to spot.
If following the mini-map is not something you do, Cursed Llamas have an ominous glow around them as well. With Epic Games fixing the rendering issue in the Fortnite update v25.30, they can be spotted with ease over long distances.
How to easily eliminate Cursed Llamas in Fortnite Chapter 4

While Cursed Llamas can be eliminated using weapons, this method will take a long time. A lot of ammo will be needed, and the gunshots will be audible over long distances. This will attract the attention of other opponents. It might result in an all-out fight in which the Llama will either escape or you may be sent back to the lobby.
Rather than using weapons, the best way to eliminate them is to run them down using a vehicle. This will conserve ammunition, make less noise, and when the Cursed Llama is hit, it will flip over and become unconscious for a few seconds, making it easier to eliminate.
Is it worth hunting Cursed Llamas in Fortnite Chapter 4?

While Cursed Llamas are rare to come by, hunting them will be worthwhile. Aside from dropping normal loot, they also drop Jujutsu Kaisen mythics. These can be used to gain an early-game advantage against opponents.
The Straw Doll Technique can be used to single out opponents at relatively mid-ranges, while the Purple Hollow can cause havoc at long-range. Opponents caught in the blast radius will take a lot of damage, and depending on the situation, they can be re-targeted using the Straw Doll Technique to deal the final blow.