Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 came to an end on December 3 and ushered in a brand new chapter. Big changes have made to their way to the game, including a fresh Battle Pass, weapons, and a brand new island.
Every season, there are usually new NPCs as well. Over the course of time, 20 or so characters are added to the island and play a role, great or minor, in the overarching stroryline. At the beginning of a new season, there are some new ones as well as returning characters.
Some of these NPCs are not friendly and are considered bosses, and that's precisely what Geno is. He's the leader of the Imagined Order and is finally physically on the island. Here's where you can find him and what you should do then.
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Geno's location in Fortnite: Where to find the new NPC boss
Geno is officially known as the Ageless Champion. The name is quite fitting since he has been the champion of the Imagined Order and a key player for a long time.
Step 1: Open up Fortnite

You will need to load Fortnite in order to find him, which is easier said than done right now. Since it's a new chapter, everyone is playing, which is a burden even the best servers in the gaming industry would struggle to accommodate. As a result, there are delays and issues loading in, but once you do make it, start up a Battle Royale match.
Step 2: Head to The Citadel

The new island is a bit of an amalgamation of previous maps. As such, it has POIs from all eras. The Citadel was prominent in Chapter 2 and has returned for this season.
This is where the Ageless Champion, aka Geno, is found. Make sure you go there first, even if the bus route is far away.
Step 3: Be on the lookout for the boss

As with any boss, the Ageless Champion will move around in Fortnite Chapter 4. He doesn't stay still, so he could be anywhere in the vicinity. It is imperative to keep your eyes peeled, as he will begin firing if he sees you. It can then be a very swift death as bosses are always pretty strong, and carry a lot of health and a shield.
Step 4: Battle for your life

You will then need to eliminate Geno. Since he's a boss, he has much more health than you do, so it will be difficult. Doing this in Duos, Trios or Squads will be much easier, but it's not impossible in Solo mode either.
Once you kill it, if you manage to do so, it will drop the Ex-Caliber Rifle, one of this season's new additions.
It is the only way to get the gun, so there may be competition for both fighting the boss and for getting the Fortnite weapon.