With the launch of the Fortnite x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga event, the beloved Driftboards have made their triumphant return to the island. These new Driftboards have been customized to fit with the theme of the collaboration, with their name being aptly changed to TMNT Driftboards, and can now be found in-game across the map.
The Driftboards, first introduced to the game in Chapter 1 Season 7, is one of the most iconic and efficient vehicles ever to be added to the game. While the vehicle returned to the game for a while during Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5, it was vaulted at the launch of Chapter 5. However, they are now back in the game, and this article will guide you through all possible spawns for the TMNT Driftboards.
How to find the TMNT Driftboards in Fortnite
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As mentioned previously, TMNT Driftboards have now been activated in-game with the Cowabunga event, and players can find these vehicles at different POIs (Points of Interest) on the Chapter 5 map. Given below is a full list of all the possible spawn locations for the TMNT Driftboards:
- Rebel's Roost: You can find 1 TMNT Driftboard near the entrance of Rebel's Roost.
- Lavish Lair: There are 2 TMNT Driftboards located in the outhouse, situated south of the main house at the Lavish Lair POI.
- Classy Courts: There are 2 TMNT Driftboards located in the building right at the entrance of the Classy Courts POI.
- Grand Glacier: You can find 1 TMNT Driftboards near the road passing by the main Grand Glacier Hotel building, and another TMNT Driftboards can be found at a Society base located northeast of Grand Glacier.
- Hazy Hillside: There is 1 TMNT Driftboards next to the northwest house in Hazy Hillside, while another can be found near the roundabout in Hazy Hillside.
- Fencing Fields: There is 1 TMNT Driftboards up for the taking near the fountain, and there is another at the northeastern end of the Fencing Fields POI.
- Snooty Steppes: You can find 1 TMNT Driftboards near the westernmost house at the Snooty Steppes POI.
- Pleasant Piazza: There are 2 TMNT Driftboards stationed next to the road passing through the Pleasant Piazza POI.
- Ritzy Riviera: You can find 2 TMNT Driftboards located near the road passing through the Ritzy Riviera POI.
- Reckless Railways: You can find a whopping 4 TMNT Driftboards in Reckless Railways, with 1 at the western entrance of the POI, 2 stationed near the railway station, and 1 near the eastern entrance of the POI.
With the Driftboardss finally returning to Fortnite, the Fortnite x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration just got a whole lot more exciting with the prospect of the accompanying adventures and the ability to traverse through the map in style.
Keep an eye out for these beloved vehicles at the locations mentioned in this article, and make your way through the Cowabunga event with style and efficiency.