Following the alien invasion at the start of Fortnite Season 7, small satellite station outposts began popping up all over the map. Till date no one knows why, but the IO has returned and with some serious firepower.
In addition to their basic Pulse rifles, the IO has brought to bear advanced weaponry such as Recon Scanners and Railguns, which are currently being used against the alien invaders. However, despite their best efforts, the ground invasion couldn't be stopped, and Holly Hatchery fell to the aliens.
Due to the current situation, Maven is tasking players with opening IO chests and taking the contents to arm themselves with. It goes without saying that IO weapons really pack a punch.
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To compensate players for risking it all and entering an IO base, Maven is even offering 30,000 XP to any loopers brave enough to carry out and complete the task. Furthermore, given that players get to keep the loot as well, it's a win-win situation for everyone (except the IO).

Also Read: Where to damage IO guards in Fortnite Season 7 (Week 5 Epic challenge)
Fortnite Season 7: How to complete "Open an IO chest at satellite stations or Corny Complex" Week 5 Epic challenge
For players to complete this challenge, they need to go to one of the many IO satellite stations located in-game or Corney Complex, and open an IO chest. Caution should be exercised when approaching these locations as the IO guards are hostile in nature.
Once inside the area, IO chests will be found lying about inside structures. What makes the IO chests so spectacular is that unlike other chests found by players in the game, these contain dedicated IO weapons that are not usually found elsewhere.
Here are the locations for all the IO satellite stations in Fortnite Season 7:
- Discovery Dish - Believer Beach
- Deep Woods Dish - Stealthy Stronghold
- Dinky Dish - Craggy Cliffs
- Dampy Dish - Slurpy Swamp
- Defiant Dish - Weeping Woods
- Dockside Dish - Dirty Docks
- Destined Dish - Misty Meadow
Readers can watch this video for information: