It's unclear how the IO's equipment in Fortnite gets sabotaged this easily and frequently, considering it's within a high-security complex. Nonetheless, the equipment needs to be repaired to ensure that Dr. Slone's plans go off without a hitch.
Marigold is looking for volunteers to carry out the repairs and is even offering 30,000 experience points as a reward to those who manage to complete the task.

Note: Fortnite Week 13 Epic Challenges will go live on September 2 at 10.00 am Eastern Time.
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How to complete the "Repair IO equipment" Fortnite Week 13 Epic Challenge
In order to complete this Fortnite challenge, players will have to find and repair a total of two IO equipment. This challenge is not bound to a single match, and players can complete it in multiple attempts.
There are a total of three locations or, more precisely, three IO satellite bases in which players can complete this challenge. At the moment, only three out of seven of the IO bases contain equipment that can be repaired. This may change once the challenge goes live. These are the current known locations:
- Dinky Dish
- Destined Dish
- Deep Woods Dish
1) Dinky Dish
All reparable IO equipment is located within the main building at this POI. Two are on the ground floor relatively close to each other, while the third one is located on the first floor.
Landing here should be the best option for players looking to complete this challenge without much hassle. Once the task has been completed, rotating away won't be an issue.

2) Destined Dish
While Destined Dish is a relatively quiet location, getting to it may be an issue. If possible, players should land here directly to avoid having to find a proper route to reach the IO satellite base.
The IO equipment that can be repaired is divided among the three buildings at the location. One is on the ground floor inside of the guard house at the entrance, while another is on the first floor of the largest building. The last one is located on the first floor of a small tower-like structure.

3) Deep Wood Dish
All the IO equipment that can be repaired here is located within the large building at this POI. Two are on the ground floor, while the third one is located on the floor directly above.
Players who enter this POI should repair the equipment and leave the area as soon as possible to avoid being pinned down. They can even avoid this location altogether in favor of the other two.

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