The Knowby cabin is a new named location in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4. It was added to the game with the v22.20 update, which was released on Tuesday, October 18, 2022.
The Knowby cabin was featured in Evil Dead, a popular horror series, and many players are glad to see it in the video game. The property is located on the western part of the island, west of the Reality Tree and southeast of the Scratch Pad.
Players have to explore the Knowby cabin in a Fortnitemares 2022 challenge
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
Epic Games released two new Fortnitemares 2022 challenges on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. These challenges need to be completed in order to unlock the following rewards:
- Everything's End Glider
- Chrome Cage Back Bling
- Unmaker Pickaxe
One of these new challenges requires you to search for chests at Grim Gables, the Reality Tree, or the Knowby cabin. Aside from making progress on the entire questline, you will receive 15,000 Season XP for opening five chests in these areas.
To find the Knowby cabin and complete the challenge, follow the simple steps below:
1) Locate the Cabin

The trickiest part of the new challenge is locating the Knowby cabin. The new location is hidden in the woods. Considering that it was recently added to the game, many players struggle to locate it.
Furthermore, the horror-themed location has a dark mist around it, which makes it even harder to spot the cabin. However, you can refer to the map above to find the cabin. You simply need to open the Quests page, and the location will be marked.
2) Land at the cabin

The easiest way to locate the Knowby cabin is by gliding over the Reality Tree. Considering that it's located west of the popular landing spot, you can simply ping the cabin on the map and then land on it.
However, you should be careful. As soon as you approach it, your screen will become very dark. Many players will be landing in the cabin since it's the objective of the new challenge and has a new NPC, so watch out for enemies.
3) Find the secret area and open chests

The Knowby cabin has a couple of chests that you can use to complete the latest Fortnitemares 2022 challenge. However, most chests are located in the secret basement of the cabin.
To access the basement, simply break the floor on the right side as soon as you enter the cabin. The basement also contains several ammo boxes, so you will be ready to face the enemies that land at this location.
If you need a quick weapon, Ash Williams, the NPC located in the cabin, sells the Epic (Purple) Lever Action Shotgun. You can also purchase Shotgun Shells from the character, as well as the patch-up service, in case you need to restore your health.
Once you open five chests in total, you will complete the challenge and earn 15,000 XP.