This season, Fortnite has introduced a totally new weapon of sorts. In the past, gamers could collect fireflies in a jar and throw them at enemies or builds to light them on fire. Those have been replaced by wildwasps, which also come in a jar. These wasps behave differently than the fireflies and don't light anything on fire, either. They do cause problems for enemies, though.
Epic Games had this to say about them:
"A hostile insect species known as Wildwasps inhabit the jungle, preferring to swarm around certain plants. Gather them in a jar to throw at enemies! (The Wildwasps set their sights on you? Jump in water or cover yourself in mud to get them off your tail.)"
If you're interested in doing that to enemy loopers during Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, check out this guide.
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
Fortnite wasp locations in Chapter 4 Season 3
Step 1: Land in the jungle

Three new POIs are in the middle of the map where the island opened and a jungle formed. As the website mentioned, that's where wildwasps can be found. Therefore, it's a good idea to go to one of Rumble Ruins, Creeky Compound, or Shady Stilts. Be warned that other players will be heading here for the novelty of a new POI and to find wildwasps, so it may be a very busy landing spot.
Step 2: Find wildwasps floating around
This step is the exact same as it was to collect fireflies in the earlier seasons. Once you get close enough, a button will prompt you to collect them in a jar. Hold that button to collect it; you will have one in your inventory. Repeat this until there aren't any wasps or your Fortnite inventory is full. You can hold up to six of them in one slot, just like the fireflies.
Furthermore, they can also be found on the ground as pre-existing jars. This, once again, is the same as the firefly jars. Wildwasps jars can be found on the ground, so keep an eye out for them.
Step 3: Throw them at a player

Once you have them, find a Fortnite player. Unlike the firefly jars, these will only work if thrown at a player. When they are, they'll target and attack that player until they enter mud or water to stop them.
Be warned that Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 just went live a couple of hours ago, so the traffic is very high right now, and the servers are probably pretty full. It may take a long time just to get into a game.