Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2's launch gave players a lot to look forward to when it comes to the game's expansive narrative, especially after what was seemingly the grand finale of Donald Mustard's storyline with the Big Bang Event. Throughout the season, many have seen how the story has progressed, with everything apparently leading to a battle with Zeus as the King of the Greek Gods attempts to wipe out all mortals.
Now, with the season nearing its end, it seems like Epic Games is going full throttle with the Fortnite storyline and even giving players a unique countdown to what could be the live event to conclude Chapter 5 Season 2. The countdown comes in the form of Zeus' Hourglass, a mysterious new trinket that has appeared on the Chapter 5 map.
This article will break down where you can find Zeus' Hourglass and see what it means for Chapter 5 Season 3 and the future storyline.
Note: Certain sections of the article are speculative and reflect the author's opinion.
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How to find Zeus' Hourglass in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 and what does it do?

Zeus' Hourglass is relatively easy to find as it is located at the Mount Olympus POI in the very central building. The Hourglass, despite being attached to the King of Gods Zeus himself, is barely three to four feet tall in-game. However, the interesting aspect is that it is animated, with the sand already moving within it.
While this could mean many things, there is a simple explanation. Throughout Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, players have been tasked with progressing through certain quests provided to them by the Oracle. The quests were explicitly made a part of the Fortnite Storyline since the tab is titled 'Story' and every step in the Oracle's questline hinted at the mortals standing up to Zeus and his pantheon of Gods, hellbent on the Island's destruction.
How does the Hourglass tie into this? Well, it is fair to assume that Zeus' Hourglass is counting down to the day the players finally take to Mount Olympus in a war that the Oracle and her Scrying Pools have already foreseen. This could be leading toward a massive live event at the end of Chapter 5 Season 2 that closes the storyline with the Greek Gods while also setting the stage for Chapter 5 Season 3.

Note that, although Zeus' Hourglass is already in the game, its exact significance will be made clear down the line as we head toward the finale of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.