Prior to the alien ground invasion in Fortnite, NPCs began getting abducted and replaced by trespassers. At the time, it was of no particular concern to the IO. However, at the moment, Dr. Slone is rather worried about these alien trespassers and the damage they could cause from inside the Imagined Order.
The good doctor is so concerned that she tasked loopers with getting hold of an IO access card and even wiretapping strategic locations on the map in hopes of finding a potential mole within the organization.
But as luck would have it, these efforts proved futile in helping identify the mole, and Dr. Slone now has to resort to extracting information from an IO operative's computer. While she could do it herself with ease, the element of surprise would be lost.
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Thus, in order to carry out this task, she's looking for volunteers willing to take the risk of infiltrating an IO base to interact with an IO operative's computer and get hold of the information needed. To compensate for the risks involved, those who manage to complete the task will be awarded 30,000 experience points.

Note: Fortnite Week 8 Legendary Challenges will go live on July 28th at 10a.m. Eastern Time.
How to complete the "Interact with an IO operative's computer" Fortnite week 8 Legendary challenge
To complete this challenge, Fortnite players will need to interact with an IO operative's computer. This challenge can be completed at several locations on the island.
Although the IO has technologically advanced equipment, players need to look for an old fashioned computer to interact with, to complete this challenge. Here are the locations at which these computers can be found.
- Deep Woods Dish - Stealthy Stronghold
- Dinky Dish - Southeast of Craggy Cliffs
- Defiant Dish - East of Weeping Woods
- Dockside Dish - West of Dirty Docks
- Destined Dish - Southeast of Misty Meadow
- Discovery Dish - West of Believer Beach
- Dampy Dish - Southwest of Slurpy Swamp
- Corny Complex
Apart from Corny Complex, each IO satellite station will have at least one computer located within the facility on the ground floor, which should make searching for them easier.
Readers can watch this video for more information: