Fortnite's recent changes to the Locker UI have been met with mixed receptions to say the least. Players have expressed their discontent at Epic Games choosing to remove cosmetic rarities from the game altogether, taking away the fun of curating collections. Now it seems like the changes have also led to in-game issues with some players unable to see certain styles for their skins.
This is highlighted in a recent Reddit post shared by u/Mint_freezeyt, where they showcased the Fusion Outfit in their locker without the unlockable third style they acquired for it. This prompted them to question:
"Where tf did my third style go???"
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The Reddit post attracted a lot of eyes from the Fortnite community, with players using it as a hub to express similar frustrations and recount their own stories. Reddit user u/ardaaa1533 pointed out how they are not able to use the Golden Armor style, which was exclusive to PS5 players, for the Kratos outfit, and how they had to contact Epic Games about it.

Reddit user u/Ten_47 used the moment to express frustrations with the new Locker UI and highlighted how the absence of the style is a bug that is happening to a lot of skins at the moment. Additionally, Reddit user u/HeroicKoopa doubled down on this and expressed their strong discontent with Epic Games' idea behind the new Locker UI.
Among the confusion and complaints, expressing their appreciation for the player's choice of skin, Reddit user u/nol1mit-_king commented:
"Glad to see another fusion enjoyer."
What did Epic Games change in the Fortnite Locker UI with the new update?
With the v29.20 update for Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, Epic Games announced that they have removed color and rarity labels from the in-game Item Shop as well as the Locker. This means that rarities such as Epic or Legendary have been effectively discarded, with the developer claiming that the changes have been made to simplify the look of these in-game sections and shed Battle Royale-inspired systems.
Needless to say, the changes have not been welcomed by the community, as highlighted by the comments under the Reddit post. Players are steadily voicing their desire to see the old Locker systems restored.
Epic Games has not expressed any intention to revert these changes. Since these have expanded from just Fortnite to Rocket League cosmetics as well, it seems that the developer has already made up its mind.