More free V-Bucks may be given to Fortnite Battle Royale players soon. Epic Games released a couple of cosmetic items previously available for free in the Item Shop, which is why there is a chance that there will be another refund.
Epic has provided many refunds and free V-Bucks to players in the past few months; however, the biggest will be the $245 million split among millions of players.
This article will explain why there is a chance that Epic will send more free V-Bucks to players soon. If you've participated in the Power Unleashed event, you may be eligible for a refund.
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More free V-Bucks may be refunded in just a couple of days

In August 2022, Epic Games released a Fortnite x Dragon Ball Super collaboration. It successfully brought numerous cosmetic items to the popular video game, including four anime characters.
Besides the items in the Shop, Epic released a lot of free cosmetics that players could earn by participating in the Power Unleashed event. The most valuable free reward was the Shenron glider.
Fortnite players who participated in the Power Unleashed event had to collect seven Dragon Balls to unlock the glider. This meant they had to complete many challenges from different categories, which was time consuming.
However, on Friday, December 30, Epic Games released the glider to the Item Shop. According to Tabor Hill, one of the most popular Fortnite content creators, the developers may give players free V-Bucks due to this.

Players can now purchase the Shenron glider from the Item Shop, as well as other free cosmetics, including the Dragon Radar back bling and two emotes.
These items can be purchased from the bundle that costs 2,300 V-Bucks. They can also be obtained separately, with the glider being the most expensive.
Will Epic Games refund Fortnite players?

While there is certainly a chance that Epic Games will send free V-Bucks to Fortnite Battle Royale players, it is unlikely to happen. It's important to point out that these free items were never exclusive.
Here is what Epic posted on its official blog when the Fortnite x Dragon Ball Super collaboration was released:
"Please note that the in-game rewards Dragon Radar Back Bling and Shenron Glider are not exclusive to Power Unleashed and may be available later in the Item Shop for purchase."

Considering the Fortnite creator clarified that the free items will not be exclusive, there is nothing wrong with releasing them to the Item Shop.
Epic Games is on a company-wide break until Tuesday, January 3, 2023. If there is a refund, it will most likely happen in the second week of 2023 or when Epic releases a new update for Fortnite Battle Royale.