Fortnite has incorporated quite a few cosmetics over the years, but not all of them have been perfect. Skins and other items have been riddled with bugs, with some of them causing major problems for gamers. This used to be the case for Midas - one of the most beloved skins in the game. Currently available in the game, many were scared of losing Midas after working so hard to get it in the early days of Chapter 2.
Inside the story of Midas' removal from Fortnite
In January 2022, there was a massive game-breaking bug that involved Midas. The skin has the Golden Touch, which turns every weapon or vehicle a player touches to gold.
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With this enabled, if players switched back and forth between the Spider-Man Mythic Web Shooters, they would cause a golden flash to appear around their skin.
If used enough, the entire lobby would see ping rates go down, tick issues, and even lags and crashes. Every gold skin from the season Midas hails from had to be removed.
That included Midas itself, Brutus TNTina, Meowscles, and Skye. Those skins were eventually fixed as Midas is one of the most popular characters to use, even in Chapter 4 Season 3.
Still, there was a time when it was causing game-breaking issues. In theory, this could have been used to cause others to crash out of the lobby, thereby lowering the competition level.
At the very least, players would have a lag advantage over their opponents, which could translate to victories. Understandably, Epic Games was quick to remove the skin and all the others with issues until a fix arrived.
Eventually, they returned the skins to players' lockers. Now, it can be used without any hiccups, but many will remember when they had Midas taken from them.
This will undoubtedly happen again, but Epic always strives to ensure things aren't permanently removed from Fortnite. When bugs occur and cause problems, developers opt for temporary removals to solve issues.
The skin eventually comes back. If it doesn't, then Epic rewards Fortnite players in another way. That could be V-Bucks, a refund ticket, or something else. Regardless, players are not left out to dry over the developers' mistake.