Ever since its introduction, Fortnite Crew has added another layer of exclusivity and excitement to the game's already vast cosmetic library, allowing members to avail a ton of benefits with a monthly membership. The most exciting part of the Crew membership is the new exclusive Crew skin that members receive. At launch, these outfits were stated to possibly return in the future for Crew members to have another chance at acquiring them.
However, as the seasons pass, players have grown increasingly frustrated by missing out on certain Crew cosmetics, only to never have a shot at getting them again. This was highlighted in a recent Reddit post shared by u/MeowsclesOnlyfans, where the player showcased a concept for reruns of previous Fortnite Crew skins while exclaiming:
"Why isn't this a thing yet?"
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The Reddit post became a hub for members of the community to express their detailed thoughts on the ongoing Crew cosmetics. Reddit user u/Greenfirebug expressed how Epic Games has probably not rereleased previous Crew cosmetics because players might expect additional styles for compensation, while also explaining how they wouldn't care if the Fortnite Crew cosmetics returned.
Reddit user u/joethegamer100 pointed how Epic Games has previously stated that they can bring the Crew cosmetics back at any time, at least to all Crew members, so Crew Pack skins should return to Fortnite fairly soon. However, in response to this, Reddit user u/HarryTurney highlighted how just because Epic Games has said they might do it, doesn't mean they will.
Highlighting the possibility of the Crew cosmetics making a return and their case for the return of the Loki and Green Arrow skins, Reddit user u/AlwaysDrinkingMilk commented:
"Its only a matter of time till a crew skin get released and imo the ones that are most likely to get released are the collab ones which are Loki and Green Arrow."
Will Epic Games bring back previously released Fortnite Crew cosmetics?
In the section dedicated to the Crew membership on the official Fortnite website, Epic Games has made its stance on the exclusivity of Crew cosmetics clear, stating:
"Crew Packs and the items they contain are only available to Fortnite Crew subscribers. Previous Crew Packs’ items may be made available again to Crew members at a later date. They will never be sold to non-Crew members or given away to non-Crew members."
While Epic Games has clearly left the door open for previous Crew Packs to return after their designated month has ended, it is important to note that it has been almost four years since the Crew membership was launched.
However, till now, there have been no instances of Crew Packs being reused for offerings to the members. It remains unclear whether Epic Games will choose to recycle old skins or continue the streak of newer designs.