Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 is relatively new. Even though the season isn't even halfway done, gamers are already planning for the next one. This season has been a thrilling departure from Chapter 3, Season 3, but Epic Games may have something even more exciting in store for the next season.
What that season will entail is anyone's guess. It will likely be an extension of this season's storyline. Chrome, which could be damaging the map and is, at the very least, forcing things to move around a lot, will be an important plot device.
The map changes, which have already begun, are always what excites the community, but how much will this season change going into the next one?
When the end of Chapter 3 Season 4 arrives, will gamers get a new map? Popular YouTuber TheCampingRusher seems to think so.
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Is a new map on the way for the next season of Fortnite?
When there is scheduled downtime at the end of a season, it usually means something big is on the way. There was a lot of downtime at the end of Chapter 2 Season 8. When the game reappeared, the entire map had changed.
That might be the case again, according to TheCampingRusher:
"This season is not a long one, one of the shortest ones we've ever had. It's supposed to end December 3 and then there's downtime- two days of downtime tp be exact. Then December 5 is the launch of our brand new season, whether it's the new chapter or if it's Season 5, regardless. It seems like it's going to be after a massive live event."
With two days of downtime scheduled, there's no telling what Epic Games has planned for the next season of Fortnite. It was big news when they decided to forego Chapter 2 Season 9 and enter a brand new chapter, and it seems they're potentially considering doing the same and foregoing Chapter 3 Season 5.
Chapter 1 lasted ten full seasons. Fortnite Chapter 2 was just eight and it seems now that Chapter 3 might be even less than that. Two days of downtime doesn't indicate a seasonal change as much as it does an entire chapter change.
Regardless, it is pretty safe to assume that the map will undergo significant changes. It remains to be seen whether it will be an entirely new map, similar to Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1, but significant changes are expected.
This all ultimately hinges on what happens for the rest of the season. The map is constantly changing and both Chrome and the Herald seem to be true antagonists, so it's possible that whatever happens with them forces the island to change a lot.

For now, gamers will just have to rest on the hope that two days of downtime means there will be a new or at least vastly different Fortnite map next season. They have about six weeks to go until then.
There's currently no word on whether it will be a new chapter or just a new season, but that will likely become clear the closer that date gets.