Like several characters in Free Fire, there are a number of pets available in the title that gamers can hand-pick as per their preferences. Since pets also have unique abilities, their role is not limited to only being the in-game companions of players.
Pets should be selected based on multiple factors such as game modes, characters being used, playstyle, and more. Also, each pet costs diamonds that are loaded into the FF account by paying real money. Hence, it comes as an essential task for mobile gamers to choose the right pet for themselves.
Note: The Free Fire pets in the following list aren't prioritized in any order, and their abilities described are at their maximum level.
Free Fire: List of best pets to get timely support on the battleground
1) Mr. Waggor
Skill: Smooth Gloo
Mr. Waggor's Smooth Gloo ability produces one gloo wall grenade every 100 seconds when the user has less than two gloo wall grenades.
Mr. Waggor is efficient in BR-ranked matches and Free Fire esports tournaments as it can generate plenty of gloo walls and ultimately aid users during last zone combat.
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2) Falcon
Skill: Skyline Spree
Falcon's Skyline Spree increases the gliding speed by 45% upon skydiving. Further, it also increases the diving speed by 50% when the parachute is opened. It should be noted that the effects are applied to the entire team.
Hence, Falcon's ability should be equipped with at least one player in the squad while playing Battle Royale matches.
3) Rockie
Skill: Stay Chill
The cooldown time of the active ability equipped by the user decreases by 15% while using Rockie's Stay Chill ability. Thus, it is helpful for those who use active characters like Chrono, Kenta, Wukong, etc., who have significantly higher cooldown times.
4) Agent Hop
Skill: Bouncing Bonus
While using Agent Hop's Bouncing Bonus ability, players gain 50 EP when the safe zone starts shrinking. This is an ideal pet for K character users as he increases the EP conversion rate and the maximum EP of the user.
For the complete Free Fire Characters, click here.
5) Dr. Beanie
Skill: Dashy Duckwalk
Dr. Beanie's Dashy Duckwalk increases the user's movement speed by 60% when in a crouch position. It can help Free Fire rushers to kill enemies quickly and silently as the sound generated by footsteps gets muted while in the crouch position.
6) Dreki
Skill: Dragon Glare
Players equipped with Dreki's Drago Glare skill can spot up to four enemies using medkits within a range of 30-meters, lasting for only five seconds.
Dreki can be a prime choice for aggressive players to spot enemies quickly and rush on them to conquer the battle.
7) Beaston
Skill: Helping Hand
Beaston's Helping Hand ability increases the throwing distance of Grenades, Gloo walls, Flashbangs, and Smoke grenades by 30%. Beaston is a must-have pet for the Naders and can be used with Alvaro's character ability to become deadly for the foes with Grenades.
8) Poring
Skill: Stitch And Patch
Poring's Stitch And Patch ability increases the user's helmet and armor durability every second. Additionally, it prevents up to level-3 helmet and armor from being destroyed.
Poring can be a model choice for rushers who are usually involved in close-range fights. Its coherence with Hayato and Andrew characters is likely to be more efficient.
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9) Robo
Skill: Wall Enforcement
Robo's skill, Wall Enforcement, adds a shield to the gloo wall that can block an additional 100 HP damage. However, it isn't that skillful against the Skyler character as he can break gloo walls irrespective of the damage-blocking capacity.
10) Spirit Fox
Skill: Well Fed
With Spirit Fox's Well Fed ability, players can restore an extra 10 HP upon using a medkit. Hence, it can be a magnificent pet with Maxim's character ability to heal more HP quickly.
Disclaimer: Free Fire is banned in India, and players from the country should refrain from downloading it. They should play the MAX variant instead.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.