Clash Squad is one of the primary game modes offered to players in Garena Free Fire. It is a 4v4 PvP game mode with seven rounds. Unlike the battle royale mode, users will have to purchase firearms and other equipment from stores. The team that wins four rounds gets the Booyah.
Characters play a crucial role in this mode since their abilities make it easier for users to triumph. They can create further combinations, enhancing the efficiency of these characters.
Note: The choice of character combination is entirely subjective, and what may be best for one may not be the same for another. The combination below is based on the writer’s opinions.
Best character combination for Free Fire Clash Squad mode
#1 - Alok + Jota + Jai + Hayato

Alok: Drop the beat
Jota: Sustained Raids
Jai: Raging Reload
Hayato: Bushido
Even though Alok was released in late 2019, he remains one of the best character choices in Garena Free Fire. His ability, Drop the Beat, can provide a continuous source of health points and also buff’s the movement speed.

Simultaneously, Jota provides 40 HP instantly when an opponent is killed with SMGs or Shotguns, proving quite helpful in close-range combat.

Jai essentially removes the necessity for reloading or switching guns in close-quarter combat as he automatically recovers 45% of the gun’s magazine capacity, though his ability is limited to ARs, Pistols, SMGs and SGs.

Using Hayato, players deal 10% additional armor penetration with every 10% decrease in HP. If they have an awakened version, it can also reduce 1% frontal damage.
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#2 - K + Miguel + Joseph + Shirou

K: Master of All
Miguel: Crazy Slayer
Joseph: Nutty Movement
Shirou: Damage Delivered
K is often overlooked by players for the Clash Squad mode, The character has two modes – Jiu-jitsu, which increases HP to EP conversion rate, and Psychology, which recovers 2 EP every 2 seconds.
Users can buy mushrooms and use the higher EP to HP conversion rate.

Miguel can effectively be combined with K as the former will restore 80 EP with every kill, which can be quickly converted.

Joseph’s Nutty movement can help players easily evade foes since it boosts movement speed by 20% on taking damage.

Damage Delivered tags enemies when they attack the users within an 80m range. Additional armor penetration will be inflicted with the first short on the said enemy, helping players in close-range combat.
#3 - Xayne + Antonio + Kelly + Moco

Xayne: Xtreme Encounter
Antonio: Gangster’s Spirit
Kelly: Dash
Moco: Hacker’s Eye
Xayne is one of the most recent additions to the list of characters. She provides 80 HP temporarily and also increases damage to gloo walls and shields by 100%.
Meanwhile, Xayne has a cooldown of 100 seconds, and is pretty helpful for players with aggressive gameplay in close-range fights.

Antonio provides 35 HP at the beginning of every round, which can often prove to be the difference between winning and losing.

Simultaneously, Kelly will increase the movement speed by 6%, and if players have the Kelly the Swift, they will get a 101% damage on the first shot after sprinting for 4 seconds.

Hacker’s Eye will reveal the opponents’ location for a while when they are hit. Players can use this information to their advantage.
Also read: Three best top-up websites to purchase Free Fire diamonds after OB27 update
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